The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 827

service marketing mix, 599–600
SMEs, 765
social marketing, 703–5, 706–7,
strategic intent, 545
testing, 120, 321, 793
trial, 463
uniqueness, 354
Professionalism, 108, 143
marketing mix, 287–8, 290–1, 312
monitoring, 174
postmodernism, 18
prices, 302–3, 305, 345–8
relationship marketing, 33
shareholder value, 507
super profit, 504, 509–11, 513–14,
520, 525–6, 527–8
value-based marketing, 293
Profit Impact of Market Strategy
(PIMS), 54
customer account profitability, 505,
customer retention, 497–8
direct product profitability, 526, 796
integrated marketing
communications, 404
market segmentation, 248, 276–7
marketing mix, 290–1
price, 296
procurement savings, 143
Progressive Enterprises, 779
Projective research techniques, 183–4
Promotion, 5, 108, 419–57
see alsoSales promotion
actors, 439–41
agency selection, 443–5
budget, 426–9, 439, 448
campaign effectiveness, 449–51
cause-related marketing, 676
e-marketing, 659–62
expenses, 97
green, 748–9
in-store, 137, 461, 468, 479
integrated communications, 308
international marketing, 621, 626
market segmentation, 247
marketing mix, 9–10, 287, 288–9
marketing strategy, 94, 95
message delivery, 433–6
message development, 432–3
promotional mix, 419–26, 429–32
remuneration of agencies, 445–9
services, 591, 598, 602
SMEs, 765
social marketing, 714, 717
synergy, 436–7
working relationships, 441–3
Prosumers, 656
Protectionism, 612
Protests, 19, 671–3, 675, 690, 731

Prudential, 253, 409, 567, 651
PSSseeProduct service system
Psychographic segmentation, 254–5,
264, 438, 623, 706, 710–11
Psychological distance, 627
Psychological risk, 376
Psychology, 67, 307, 797
Public relations (PR), 422–3, 660,
676–7, 796
green marketing, 749
integrated marketing
communications, 398, 399
Public sector, 288
Public services, 601–2
Publicity, 422, 423–4, 426, 431
definition, 419
international marketing, 621
social marketing, 718, 719
Purchase frequency, 353
Purchase triggered donations, 678
Purchaser role, 145–6
Pure goods, 588, 589, 592, 607
Purposive sampling, 191
Push/pull factors, 316–17, 318, 640–1,
716, 800

QFDseeQuality function deployment
Quaker, 468
Qualitative methods, 35, 174, 175,
180–4, 322
demand measurement, 355
market research, 584
path analysis, 235
postmodern research, 25, 27, 28
Quality, 8, 107–8, 331, 517
see alsoTotal quality management
certification systems, 631
control, 590, 591, 596
differentiation, 103
international marketing, 625
price relationship, 345, 348, 350, 355
process thinking, 102
relationship marketing, 35
sales promotion, 476
services, 35, 587, 588–90, 596, 598,
e-marketing, 654
internal marketing, 532, 551
retailing, 797, 798
supplier choice, 486
Quality function deployment (QFD),
Quantitative methods, 70–1, 174, 175,
market research, 584
primary data, 177–80
taxonomy, 199
Quantity discounts, 97
Quantity increases, 462
Quelch, J. A., 475, 645
Queree, A., 657

Questionnaires, 177–8, 180, 193
Queuing, 219–21, 225, 241
Quick response logistics, 496
Quota sampling, 191–2
QXL, 651

R&D (research & development), 6, 9,
327, 329
R-strategies, 63–4
RAC, 389, 433
Rackham, N., 364–5
Radas, S., 173
Radio, 402, 424
Radio Authority, 424, 453
Random sampling, 190
Rangun, V. K., 697, 705, 716
Rank order scales, 188
Rao, V. R., 350
Rapp, Stan, 565, 566, 569
Ratio scales, 186
Rationality, 62, 79
Re-marketing, 745
Reader’s Digest, 431
Real options, 60, 298, 524–5
Reasoned Action, Theory of, 124
Rebating, 447–8
Recession, 15, 309, 778
Reciprocity, 40, 43
Recruitment and selection, 366–7, 375
Recycling, 732, 734, 741, 743, 747, 748,
Red Cross, 385–6
Red Nose Day, 690
Redinger, R., 239
Rees, R. D., 427
Reference prices, 349
Referrals, 524, 576
Refunds, 462
Regionalization, 613
Regression techniques, 198, 206–13,
214, 790
automatic interaction detection,
212–13, 214
discriminant analysis, 212, 214
generalized linear models, 206–12
log-linear analysis, 212
logistic regression, 210–12
ordinary least squares regression,
208–10, 212
multiple regression, 206
see alsoLegal issues
advertising, 120, 423–4
e-tailing, 803
environmental, 730, 731–2, 733, 735,
freeports, 626
international, 623, 629
promotion, 449, 451, 453, 454
sales promotion, 461
services, 602
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