828 Index
Reichheld, F. F., 297, 497
Reichmann, T., 348
Reintermediation, 645, 653, 659
Relational segmentation, 274
Relationship marketing, 11–14, 32–52,
89, 274, 523
see alsoCustomer Relationship
management; Relationships
alliances, 542
business-to-business, 142, 144,
161–3, 165
cause-related marketing, 673
communications, 406–7
customer lifetime value, 524
definitions, 33–4, 40
direct marketing, 568, 582–3
history of, 34–9
IBM example, 540
international marketing, 612
salespeople, 362
segmentation, 248, 249, 272
strategy, 57–8, 76–7
supply chain management, 296–7,
489, 497, 501
Relationship portfolio analysis, 163–5,
Relationships, 34, 38, 39–40, 48,
274–5, 630
see alsoCustomer relationship
management; Relationship
agency-client, 408, 411–12, 414, 441–3
branding, 300, 382–3
business-to-business, 143–4
buyer-colleague, 152
buyer-seller, 36, 152, 158, 159, 160,
586–7, 596, 607
cause-related marketing, 672–3,
675, 677–8, 691
Dell Computer, 311
development of, 40–4
dissolution, 44, 45
e-marketing, 654
instability, 197
integrated marketing
communications, 408
interfunctional, 540–1
internal market perspective, 532
relationship portfolio analysis,
research, 36–7
retailers, 791
sales management, 360, 361–2, 365,
366, 369
sales promotion, 473–4
seeking, 45–6
supplier-customer, 144, 161–5, 166,
494–6, 733
Religion, 623, 626
Remuneration, 368–9, 445–9, 516
Repeat purchases, 361, 471, 475, 480,
Representation, crisis of, 25
Reputation, 163, 381, 401, 513
cause-related marketing, 672, 674,
676, 683, 686, 691–2
green marketing, 749
SMEs, 767
suppliers, 151
Research & development (R&D), 6, 9,
327, 329
Research studies:
see alsoData; Market research
atmospherics, 796
cause-related marketing, 674, 675,
consumer decision-making, 119,
128, 132
experiential, 627
green marketing, 736–7, 738, 753
marketing strategy, 70–5, 79, 81
postmodern methods, 24, 25–7, 28
relationship marketing, 34, 35, 36,
37, 38, 45–6
sales promotion, 460–1, 479–80
social marketing, 719
Resource commitment, 628
Resource-based view of the firm, 66,
68, 80, 299, 300
Resources, 110, 111, 233–5, 535
business relationships, 162, 163
competitive advantage, 103
e-marketing, 650, 661, 665–6
natural, 728
partitioning, 80–1
resource advantage, 80
resource dependence theory, 38,
SMEs, 758, 761
social marketing, 708
transportation model, 233–5
Retail life cycle, 778
Retail parks, 783
Retailing, 57, 525, 776–805
co-operation, 495
direct marketing, 566
e-tailing, 802–4
evolution of, 777–8
functions, 790–9
integrated marketing
communications, 405, 407, 412,
internationalization, 613, 799–801
loyalty schemes, 406–7
major formats, 781–5
non-store, 802–4
queuing, 219–21
strategy, 785–90
types of retail organization, 779–81
Retraining, 198
Retrospection, 22–3
Return on investment (ROI), 71–2, 73,
289, 507–9, 687–8
market segmentation, 267
monitoring, 174
profit, 291
Reve, T., 38
Reversed production, 20, 21, 29
Rewards, 368–9
RFM analysis, 277, 280
Rickards, T., 175
Riebel, P., 348
Riek, R. F., 317, 325
Ries, A., 377
Rio Earth Summit (1992), 726
Risk, 60, 152, 318, 507–9
advertising, 476
brand as risk reducer, 376, 391
category width, 136
cause-related marketing, 683
e-marketing, 664
financial evaluation, 506, 507, 512
international marketing, 615–18,
organizational buying, 148
perception of, 148, 149, 150, 154–5,
product attributes, 715
reducing, 297–8, 311
sales promotion, 470
services, 597, 602
social marketing, 719
‘Risky shift’, 148
Ritchie, K., 250
Ritter, H., 222–3
Ritualism, 110, 113
Roberto, E. L., 696, 703–5
Robertson, T. S., 125
Robinson, Joan, 5, 10
Robinson, P., 149, 153
Robinson, W. A., 475
ROIseeReturn on investment
Rokeach, M., 385
Rolex, 301
Roman, Ken, 479
Roos, Annika, 649
Rosenbluth International, 532
Rosiello, R., 345
Ross, Paula, 410
Rothwell, R., 327
Rough set theory (RST), 226–7
Rover, 473, 495
Royal Bank of Scotland, 254, 567
RS Components, 651, 654
RSTseeRough set theory
Rubin, D. S., 176, 188, 193, 194
Ryanair, 650
Saatchi & Saatchi, 425–6, 466–7
Safeway, 405, 414, 477
Sainsbury’s, 19, 405, 475, 522, 535–6,
St Ivel, 438–9, 480
St Michael, 522