The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 829

Sales, 5, 294–6, 360–71
after-sales, 391, 442, 589
cash flow, 297
demand elasticity, 351
e-marketing, 648, 649, 664
forecasting methods, 198, 213
internal ratios, 428, 429
investment in communications, 309
management issues, 366–9
monitoring, 174
process, 363–5
profit drivers, 345–8
queuing, 219–21
salesperson role, 360–2, 369
web customers, 89–90
Sales promotion, 422, 423, 426,
above-the-line activity, 465–7
annual expenditure, 425
cause-related marketing, 676,
communicating through, 471–2
consumers, 469–71
definition, 420, 458–9
future of, 477–9
green marketing, 749
growing importance, 467–9
integrated marketing
communications, 398, 399, 404
marketing mix, 461, 464, 469,
mismanagement, 475–7
objectives, 94, 96
relationship building, 473–4
retailing, 796
strategic intent, 545
types of, 462–3
Sales psychology, 307
Salespeople, 219–20, 360–2, 363–9,
473, 516–17, 798
Samples of products, 462, 468, 472,
Sampling techniques, 176, 179,
189–92, 194
Sandvik Steel, 649
Sanyo, 463
Saren, M. S., 327
Sasser, W. E., 599
Satellite television, 403
Satisfaction, 8, 108, 227, 287
cause-related marketing, 686
CRM, 497, 498
e-marketing, 666
green marketing, 741
integrated marketing
communications, 397, 399
low prices, 306–7
Saxena, R., 625
SC Johnson, 742
Scales, 185–6, 187, 188–9, 194
Scase, Richard, 77
Schlegelmilch, B. B., 171, 203

Schools, 253
Schultz, D. E., 396–7, 398, 405–8, 411,
412–14, 416, 541
Schwartz, Beverly, 698
Schwartz, G., 697
Schweitzer, George, 399–400
SCMseeSupply chain management
Scotland, 713, 718
Screening, 319, 324
Search engines, 641, 660, 662
Search and evaluation, 122–3, 135,
Seasonal sales, 794
Secondary data, 173, 175–6, 185
Secondary markets, 147
Secondary service, 599
Sega, 467
Segmentation, 88, 108, 246–83
see alsoTargeting
benefit, 256, 257, 712–14
biographic, 264–6, 280
buying behaviour, 134, 135, 137
cluster analysis, 201
cognitive style, 130, 131
correspondence analysis, 204
criteria and categories, 248–9
customer account profitability, 523
data-driven, 256, 258–77, 280
decentred subjects, 21
demand heterogeneity, 61
demographic, 250–4, 257, 261,
401–2, 631, 709–10
differentiation, 66–9
e-marketing, 650, 654
failure of, 534
geodemographic, 258–63, 269, 272,
277–8, 710, 711
green marketing, 736–7
historical perspective, 247–8
international marketing, 620–1,
latent analysis, 201
metrics, 246, 248, 249, 256, 266–72
micro-segmentation, 102
one-to-one, 246, 248, 266, 272–7
payment methods, 132
pricing, 305, 307, 601
psychographic, 254–5, 264, 438, 623,
706, 710–11
regression analysis, 214
risk perception, 376
sales presentations, 365
SMEs, 761
social marketing, 700, 706, 708–14
socio-demographic, 261, 438, 706,
711, 736–7
strategic marketing planning, 105,
targeting, 246–7, 256, 258, 267–72,
traditional segmentation bases,

Selectivity, 124–5
Self, 20
Self, Will, 19
Self-actualization, 8
Self-liquidating promotions, 679
Self-organizing maps (SOMs), 221–3
Self-service, 494, 605, 662
Sell-side e-commerce, 638, 645–6
Sellitz, C., 187
Semantic assessment, 215
Semantic differential scales, 188–9
Semi-structured interviews, 182
Senge, Peter, 54
Separation, 651
September 11th attacks, 15
Serrano Cimca, C., 223
Service concept, 599
Service encounters, 34, 35, 604
Service profit chain, 494
Service sector, 4, 11, 23, 613, 757
Service-orientation, 592–3
Services, 11, 12–13, 585–609, 596
brand management, 372, 390
classification of, 591–8
consumer value, 587–8
definition, 588–91
design, 35
development of service economy,
e-marketing, 638, 646, 647, 656, 663
green marketing, 751
internal marketing, 558
loyalty, 43
marketing effort, 606–7
marketing mix, 598–606, 607
quality, 35, 587, 588–90, 596, 598,
e-marketing, 654
internal marketing, 532, 551
retailing, 797, 798
supplier choice, 486
relationship marketing, 34–5, 38, 48
SMEs, 757, 763, 766, 772
strategic intent, 545
SERVQUAL gap model, 35, 45, 798
SETseeSocial exchange theory
Seven Ps (product, price, place,
promotion, people, physical
evidence, processes)
see alsoFour Ps
cause-related marketing, 682
e-marketing, 655–63
services marketing, 34, 598–606,
Seven-Eleven, 781
Seymour, D. T., 342
Shafer, G., 230, 231
Shankleman, E., 145, 146–7
Shapiro, B. P., 164
Share of market (SOM), 521–2
see alsoMarket share
Share of voice (SOV), 521–2
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