The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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830 Index

Shareholder value, 504, 507–9, 516,
brands, 300, 301, 302
communications, 309–10
customer relationship management,
490, 494
marketing mix, 288, 289, 291–2, 293,
294–8, 312
net present value, 309
price, 302, 303, 307
Shaw, M. J., 216
Shaw, R., 275
Shell, 385, 735
Shelton, Robert, 742
Shepherdson, N., 250
Sherry, J. F., 22
Sheth, J. N., 37, 44, 147, 148, 154–5
Shoemaker, R. W., 352
Shopping centres, 18, 782, 783, 798
Short-term, 11, 275
financial planning, 515
international marketing, 611
operational planning, 97, 99, 113–14
planning for SMEs, 760
social change, 702
Shostack, G. L., 592, 593, 604
Shubik, M., 281
Shugan, S., 173
Shultz, D. E., 475
Signifiers, 20
Signs, 20
SIGsseeSpecial Interest Groups
Simon, H., 79, 343, 344, 346, 350–1,
352–3, 355
Simonin, B. L., 617
Simple Minds, 23
Simple random sampling, 190
Simplexity, 78
Simulation methods, 81, 198, 213–15,
217, 240–1, 321–2
Sinfonia Marketing Systems, 477
Single sourcing, 495
Sinkovics, R., 171
Situation specific marketing, 764
Situational analysis, 618–21
see alsoMarket research
e-marketing, 642–8
social marketing, 700
Situational influences, 130, 131, 155
Skills, 276, 532, 540, 549
see alsoCompetencies
competitive advantage, 101, 103
entrepreneurs, 769
green marketing, 742, 743
lack of, 110, 111, 115
marketing implementation, 541
professionalism, 108
specialists, 412, 413
Skimming pricing, 303, 304
Slater, S. F., 79
SLEPT, 618
Sloans Supermarket, 476

Small to medium sized enterprises
(SMEs), 101, 613, 757–75
characteristics, 758–9
e-marketing, 654
high-tech, 630
incompatibility of marketing theory,
model of, 773–4
nature of marketing, 761–4
segmentation, 106
strengths, 759, 764, 765–72
SMART objectives, 682, 683
SMEsseeSmall to medium sized
Smith, Adam, 14, 77, 585
Smith, D., 182
Smith, P. R., 398, 426, 642, 648, 663
Smith, Wendell, 247
SmithKline Beecham, 657
Snelson, P., 337
Snickers, 403
Social causes, 301
Social customs, 619, 623
Social distance, 42
Social Exchange Theory (SET), 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 43
Social marketing, 137, 694–725
commercial marketing distinction,
definition, 696, 697–703
development of, 695–7
marketing mix, 700, 714–19
segmentation, 700, 706, 708–14
Social objectives, 291
Social responsibility, 671–2, 674–5,
691, 692, 697, 732
Social risk, 376, 391
Social status, 252, 259–62, 438, 711
Societal marketing, 697, 727
Socio-cultural distance, 627, 628
Socio-demographic segmentation, 261,
438, 706, 711, 736–7
S ̈oderlund, M., 46
Software, 131, 132–3, 135, 137–8, 582
conjoint analysis, 203
CRM, 266–72
MLLSA, 201
multidimensional scaling, 203
on-line catalogues, 478
price analyses, 344
SPSS, 200
Software Warehouse, 566
Solomon, M. R., 399, 598
SOMseeShare of market
Somerfield, 477
SOMsseeSelf-organizing maps
Sony, 308, 318, 325, 463, 476, 487, 748
SOSTAC (Situation, Objectives and
Strategy, Tactics, Action and
Control) framework, 642
Souder, W. E., 329
Southern Comfort, 480

Southern, J., 185
SOVseeShare of voice
Soviet Union, 10
‘Spadspend’, 467
Spar group, 779–80
Spatial competition, 66, 68, 70, 81
Spears, Britney, 22
Special deals, 349
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 610
Special package features, 462
Specialist companies, 395, 404, 406,
409, 411
Specialists, 10, 64, 335, 413, 442, 758
Specialization, 147
Spencer, R., 161
Spillers, 480
Spin-offs, 651
Sponsorship, 256, 424, 431–2, 468
annual expenditure, 425
BMW example, 437
cause-related marketing, 677, 689
definition, 420
e-marketing, 660, 664
green marketing, 749
public relations, 422
retailing, 796
Sports games analogy, 61, 64–5
Sports sponsorship, 431, 432
Spreadsheets, 344
Springsteen, Bruce, 23
SPSSseeStatistical Package for Social
Sri Lanka, 696
Srinivasan, V., 321
Stage-Gate process, 315, 316, 327
branding, 374, 380, 381
cause-related marketing, 672–4,
680, 683, 684–5, 692
green marketing, 744, 745
social marketing, 717
value-based marketing, 291–2
Standardization, 5, 69–70, 650
global/international marketing,
403, 415, 612, 615, 617, 626, 629
market evolution, 81
Stanford Innovation Project, 329
Stapel scale, 189
Stapleton, J., 437
Starbucks, 543
Starburst, 403
Starch, D., 450
Statistical decision theory, 198, 224,
Statistical methods, 192–3, 194,
see alsoQuantitative methods
Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS), 200
Stead, Martine, 694–725
Steiner, G. A., 450
Stereotyping, gender, 251–2
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