The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 831

Stern, L. W., 38
Stevenson, Adlai, 419
Stewart, I., 78
Stewart, Thomas, 532
Stochastic methods, 198, 219–26, 240
game theory, 224–6
queuing, 219–21, 225
self-organizing maps, 221–3
statistical decision theory, 198, 224,
stochastic processes, 223–4, 225
Stock control models, 237
Stockouts, 575
Stonegate Egg, 462
Strang, Roger, 477
Strategic gaps, 544–7, 557
Strategic intent, 544, 545, 546, 547, 557
Strategic marketing planning, 87–116
barriers to, 109–15, 116
guidelines, 99, 101–9, 116
interaction approach, 160–1
process, 90–101, 116
Strategic matrix, 288
Strategic Planning Institute, 87
Strategic triangle, 58, 59
Strategy, 53–86
Ansoff matrix, 518, 519
brand-led, 505, 519–22
cluster analysis, 201–2
communications, 308–9
customer relationship management,
490, 491–2
customer-led, 522–5
e-marketing, 647, 650–5
financial planning, 515, 517
dichotomy, 532, 533–4, 552,
green marketing, 734–5
implementation, 534–5, 544–7, 548,
549, 557–8
internal marketing, 532, 533, 550–6,
557, 558
launch, 130, 134, 321, 322, 323
marketing planning, 87, 93–4, 95,
96, 107
media, 435, 436
new product development, 316–18
product-based, 525–8
relationship marketing, 47
retailing, 785–90
strategic gaps, 544–7, 557
value-based marketing, 293–4
Stratified random sampling, 190, 192
Strauss, G., 155, 158
SMEs, 759, 764, 765–72
strategic objectives, 288
SWOT analysis, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100,
104, 105
Stretch strategy, 535–6
Structuration, 78

Structured-direct survey methods,
177, 182
Stubbs, John, 664
Subcontracting, 439, 440, 442–3
see alsoOutsourcing
Subjective norm, 123–4
Subjectivity, 21
Subliminal messages, 121–2
Subsidiaries, 148
Substitutes, 353, 732–3
definition, 81–2
financial evaluation, 506
foreign markets, 621, 631
market information, 330
Sultan, Ralph, 71
Summated scales, 188
The Sun, 688
Sun Maid raisins, 22
Sunlight Soap, 669
Super profit, 504, 509–11, 513–14, 520,
525–6, 527–8
Supermarkets, 405, 605, 778, 784, 785,
Superstores, 784
backward integration, 104
brand value, 301
category management, 791
customer relationship, 144, 161–5,
166, 494–6, 733
Dell Computers, 311, 583
differentiation, 66
e-marketing, 638, 640
forward integration, 104
good relations, 146
green marketing, 733
innovation, 333
interaction approach, 36
knowledge of customers, 147, 148
marketing communications
expenditure, 412
partnerships, 40
psychological distance, 627
relationship marketing, 40, 42
searching for information, 150–1
selecting, 151, 791
Supply chain:
see alsoChannels
brand value, 300, 301
competitor analysis, 528
e-marketing, 638, 639, 646
relationship marketing, 297
sales operations, 360
strategy, 57
value chain distinction, 60
Supply chain management (SCM),
162, 300, 751
CRM integration, 485–503
retailing, 798–9
Surveys, 173, 174, 177–8, 193
advertising, 454–5, 466

budgeting methods, 429
cause-related marketing, 678–9, 748
e-tailing, 804
green marketing, 738
Internet use, 421
‘new’ lifestyle segmentation, 263–4
on-line, 639
Sustainability, 81, 726–8, 734, 738–9,
741–2, 749, 751–3
Swedish companies, 146
Switching behaviour, 69
Switching costs, 76, 354–5
see alsoExit barriers
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats) analysis,
90, 93, 96, 99, 100, 107, 642
Symbols, 20, 21
Syndicated research, 178–9
Synergy, 308, 318, 362, 533, 541
cause-related marketing, 681
e-marketing, 641
global competition, 405
integrated marketing
communications, 406
promotional mix, 436–7
strategy, 535–6
Systematic approach, 173, 174
Szmigin, I., 132

3Cs (customers, competitors,
channels), 56, 79
30R approach, 39, 40
Tabrizi, B. N., 328
Tabulation, 193
Tacit know-how, 628
Tactics, 95, 655–64
Tango, 646
Targeting, 246–7, 256, 258, 276–8
see alsoSegmentation
segmentation metrics, 267–72
social marketing, 703, 706
Targeting, interaction, control and
continuity (TICC), 572–3, 574
see alsoObjectives
internal marketing, 554, 555
planning cycle, 94
sales, 366, 369
sales promotion, 460, 471–2
Task specialization, 4, 333
Task-related models, 152
Tax issues, 617, 624, 684
green taxes, 732, 750
licensing, 677
sales promotion, 476–7
Taylor, C. J., 237
Taylor, D., 442
Taylor, J. R., 173, 177, 186
Taylor Nelson’s Applied Futures,
TCAseeTransaction Cost Analysis
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