The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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832 Index

branding, 390
cross-functional, 488
design, 335
integrated marketing
communications, 412
multifunctional, 335–6, 337, 338
venture, 336
venture marketing organization,
Technological distance, 42
Technologists, 145, 146, 149
see alsoComputers; Information
coupons, 477
data, 246
e-marketing, 638
e-tailing, 803, 804
effect on labour, 8
front-office/back-office, 493–4
global companies, 611
high-tech goods, 614
industrial revolution, 586
innovation, 5, 171
market evolution, 81
new product development, 318
personal targeting, 273
product life cycle costing, 526
relationship marketing, 37–8, 47
sales promotion, 481
SMEs, 773–4
Technology push, 316–17, 318
Technology transfer, 161
Telephone interviews, 177–8
Television, 402, 403
advertising, 423–4, 435, 466
children, 253
digital, 638, 643 advertising, 573, 574
Terminology, 112
Tesar, G., 627
Tesco, 405, 415, 519, 522, 779, 784
cause-related marketing, 676, 678,
Clubcard, 273, 568, 569
Computers for Schools, 301, 676,
678, 686–7
distribution, 308
e-marketing, 646
e-tailing, 804
international retailing, 800
opening hours, 798
own brands, 792
sales promotion, 472
strategy, 535–6
Test marketing, 224, 321–2, 324,
advertising, 433, 449–50
concepts, 319–20, 327, 328
products, 120, 321, 793

Tetley, 410, 415
Thain, D. H., 145
Theme parks, 19
Theory, 81
Theory of Planned Behaviour, 124
Theory of Reasoned Action, 124
Theory of Trying, 124
Third World, 8, 615, 626, 696, 720
Thomas, Michael, 171, 437, 614, 624
Thompson, C. J., 22
Thompson, J. Walter, 397
Thorson, E., 411, 450
Threats, 172, 174, 288
competitor analysis, 528
e-marketing, 637
foreign markets, 621
SWOT analysis, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100,
Threshold margin, 294–5
Through the line methods, 425–6
Thrust marketing, 9
TICCseeTargeting, interaction,
control and continuity
Tiger economies, 11
Time issues:
compressed horizons, 102
differentiation, 66, 69–70
green marketing, 744–5
international marketing, 611
late market introduction, 325
market research, 189
marketing plan, 90
planning horizons, 99
price modification, 345
product/market evolution, 105
retail pricing, 794
risk, 376, 391
sales promotion, 467–9, 478
time distance, 42
time pressure, 155
time to market, 629
time-based competition, 498–9
Time value, 292
Time-series forecasting methods, 213
Times, 480
Timmers, P., 651
TK Maxx, 785
Toffler, Alvin, 8, 656
Tonality, 718
Top management:
see alsoChief executives
marketing director, 743
new product development, 316
organizational buying, 145
strategic marketing planning, 90,
101, 110, 111, 113, 115
strategy, 546–7
Topology, 222
Tordjman, A., 784
Torgerson, W. S., 185
Total product concept, 595, 747
Total quality improvement, 497

Total quality management (TQM),
162, 741–2, 743
Tourism, 730, 736, 741, 763, 767
Tower Records, 273
Toyota, 436, 584, 679
Toys ‘R’ Us, 788
TQMseeTotal quality management
Trade, 624, 629
Trade promotions, 461–4, 473, 480
Trademarks, 373, 625
Traditional marketing theory, 144
e-marketing, 663
planning, 111
relationship marketing, 45
retailing, 798, 799
salespeople, 368
service sector staff, 605, 606
strategic, 318
Webster-Wind model, 158
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), 38,
Transaction costs, 575, 596
Transactional data, 264–6, 268–9, 271,
275, 280–1
Transfer pricing, 616, 617, 624
Transparency of prices, 353
Transport costs, 233
Transportation model, 233–5, 241
Trebor Bassets, 480
Trial triggered donations, 678
Triangular interviews, 182
Trout, J., 377
agency-client relationships, 414
branding, 391
business-to-business marketing,
144, 160
consumer privacy, 47
e-marketing, 656
NGOs, 731
organizational culture, 387
relationship marketing, 33, 37, 40,
43, 45, 673
salespeople, 362, 364, 365
social marketing, 718
Trust services, 652
Truste, 652
Trying, Theory of, 124
Tull, D. S., 192
Turbulence, 8, 99
Turnbull, Peter W., 142–70
Turnbull Report, 671
Turnover of staff, 367
Tylenol, 480
Tynan, Caroline, 32–52
Tzokas, N., 315, 317, 325, 327

U2, 23
Ulrich, D., 552
Uncertainty, 21, 25, 43
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