Visual C++ and MFC Programming 2nd Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals

your mouse on different buttons until one displays the referred to name.

  1. To use a toolbar’s button, you click it. For example, click the Open button.
    Notice that the action calls the Open dialog box.

  2. Press Esc to dismiss the New Project dialog box.

  3. Some buttons present an arrow on their right side. This arrow represents a menu.
    To see an example, position the mouse on the Wizard Bar Actions button and click
    the arrow on the right side. Observe the menu:

  4. Press Esc to dismiss the menu.

  5. To customize the Standard toolbar by adding buttons to it, right-click anything on the
    menu bar or the toolbar and click Customize...

  6. On the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.

  7. In the Categories list, select File

  8. Under the Buttons combo box, click and drag the New button. Position it to be the
    most left button on the Standard toolbar

Figure 3: Customizing the IDE Resources.................................................................................

  1. Release the mouse

  2. To add another toolbar button, while the Customize dialog box is still displaying, on
    the main menu, click File

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