Visual C++ and MFC Programming 2nd Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 2 Variables and Identifiers Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals

  1. Create a C++ Source File and Name it Exercise

Figure 19: ADd New Item - Windows Fundamentals..............................................................

  1. Click Open

  2. To create the application, change the file as follows:

#include <afxwin.h>

struct CSimpleApp : public CWinApp
BOOL InitInstance() { return TRUE; }

CSimpleApp theApp;

  1. To test the application, press Ctrl + F5

Figure 20: Microsoft Development Environment - Message Box.........................................

  1. When asked whether you would like to build the project, click Yes

  2. Nothing will appear because we did not define an expected behavior

2.2 Frames Fundamentals.....................................................................................

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