American Art Collector - USA (2021-11)

(Antfer) #1


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there are other pieces that speak to social issues of
the past and today.
Cristy Dunn’s painting The Triumph of Truth
depicts a commanding young woman in a wintery
wooded forest, with two wolves hidden behind her.
“Although I’ve chosen art as my career path, I’m a
mathematician by training, and so it is second nature
for me to examine things with an eye toward logic
and proof,” says Dunn. “Truth exists, and it stands
against questioning. Truth is worth speaking out for
and worth defending.”
In the pastel portrait The Conservator, Ann Justin
depicts a friend who spent her career conserving
fine artwork. “The oil painting behind her is of her
great-grandmother, which she also conserved,” says
Justin. “I love the similarities in the two juxtaposed
portraits—the clarity and directness of the gaze out
toward the viewer, stretching across time and history.”
Andy Reinhardt’s painting Protest March is reflec-
tive of our current times. “The pandemic has been a
challenging time, leading many of us to reevaluate
what we are doing and how we see the world,”
Reinhardt says. “Then, in the middle of the pandemic,
I have been so often struck by man’s apparent disre-
gard of his fellow man. This all causes me to wonder
how we can change the world. That is what inspired me
to do this painting. Maybe we can look to art in a time
of unrest and turmoil as part of our answer on how to
change for the better.”
Stephen Mangum’s painting Illusions of My
Childhood No. 8 is from his recent series revisiting his
Mississippi Delta childhood to confront his Southern
heritage and explore racial injustice through the lens
of white privilege. The work is a current portrait of
Mark Hunter, Near and
Far, Grand Canyon, oil on
panel, 1 8 x 24 "
Andy Reinhardt,
Protest March, oil on
board, 24 x 36 "
Brenda Morgan,
Arapaho Headdress,
oil on canvas, 14 x 11 "
Barbara Nuss, On Alert,
oil on linen, 1 8 x 14 "
Joye DeGoede, Cover
Your Ass, oil on wrap
around canvas, 36 x 24 "
15 16
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