American Art Collector - USA (2021-11)

(Antfer) #1

American Art Collector magazine has changed the way artists, galleries and collectors connect. It
has closed the gap that previously existed in the traditional art market. Spectacular and instant
SOLD! stories keep rolling in. Check out some of the highlights of the sales and connections
achieved from the pages of our magazine and throughout the market.

New Collector Connects
The August issue of American Art
Collector we feature covers of the
Long’s Park Art Festival in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Over the years the show
as attracted artists from all over to
participate. In anticipate for the show,
held over Labor Day weekend, we
previewed several of the works that would
be available to purchase including James
Whitbeck’s still life Tooth of the Lion,
titled for the dandelions that are included

in the bloom bouquet.
Upon receiving the August edition of
the magazine, a subscriber and collector
reached out to purchase the painting.
“It was through American Art Collector
that the sale was made possible,” says
the artist. “He had not seen my work
before and so this would be his first
piece of mine. He did not visit the show
in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, so it was via
emails we were able to transact the sale.”
The collector’s primary focus is on 1800

through 1950s American impressionism,
but told the artist he had “a very unique
talent” and that they “loved the painting.”

Interested in having your SOLD!
story featured in the pages of
American Art Collector magazine?
Email executive editor Rochelle Belsito
at [email protected] to
find out how you can share your recent
sales and successes.
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