(vip2019) #1


There are a number of ways in which the crystals

can be applied to an ailment.

You can wear them as jewellry, such as rings,

bracelets, necklaces and pendants.

They can be carried on your person, in a pocket or purse

You can hold them over the effected area, rub them

gently over the area to be treated or just let them

rest on the area.

You can place them beside your bed, under the

bed or under the pillow.

They can be placed in the car, it is advisable to

make sure that they are in a secure place, e.g.

glovebox, to prevent them from causing injury to


You can use the crystals in a layout. There are a

number of them so it would be advisable to look

some up to find the one that suits you best.

You can place the crystals around your home

anywhere that you feel the need. They make a

very attractive ornament.

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