(vip2019) #1


As you would imagine I could not have used all the crystals
covered in this book, a lot of my information has come from
talking to other crystal healers and their experiences, my own
experiences and the rest has come through reading books. I
cannot name every book that I have read over the years, as I
have forgotten most of them.

But the list below is of current one’s that I have read and would
recommend them to anyone working with crystals.

Hall Judy The Crystal Bible Godsfield Press
Melody Love Is In The Earth Earth Love Publishing House
Lilly Simon Crystal Healing Anness Publishing
George Maryann Illustrated Pocket Guide To Identifying
Big Bear Corporation Pty Ltd
Toder Shani The Secrets Of Crystals Stone Age
Mosby C.V. Mosby’s Medical and Nursing Dictionary The C.V.
Mosby Company
Whiteside J.E. Medical Nursing Angus and Robertson
(Publishers) Pty.Ltd.

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