English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

proxeneta: go-between; procurer; procuress
próximamente: soon; before long
proximidad: nearness; proximity; vicinity
próximo: next; soon; near; neighbouring; proximate; close
proyección: showing; projecting
proyeccionista: projectionist
proyectar: to project; to throw; to cast; to emit; to give out; to show; to plan; to intend; to design
proyectarse: to be cast; to fall
proyectil: projectile; missile
proyecto: plan; project; designs; proyecto de ley: bill
proyector: projector; searchlight; spotlight
prudencia: prudence; good sense; caution; care; moderation; restraint
prudencial: reasonable; prudential
prudente: sensible; prudent; careful; cautious
prueba: proof; demonstration; evidence; sign; mark; token; test; trial; probation; tasting;
sampling; sample; fitting; ordeal; trial; temptation; match; competition; event
pruebo, pruebe: probar
prurito: itching; pruritus; eagerness; desire; obsession
prusiano: Prussian
psicoanálisis: psychoanalysis
psicoanalista: psychoanalyst
psicoanalítico: psychoanalytical
psicoanalizar: psychoanalyze
psicodélico: psychedelic
psicología: psychology
psicológico: psychological
psicólogo: psychologist
psicópata: psychopath
psicopatía: psychopathy
psicosis: psychosis
psicosomático: psychosomatic
psicoterapeuta: psychotherapist
psicoterapia: psychotherapy
psique: psyche
psiquiatra: psychiatrist; psychiater
psiquiatría: psychiatry
psiquiátrico: psychiatric; psychiatric hospital
psíquico: mental; psychic; psychical
púa: thorn; barb; spine; prong; thine; quill; tooth; graft; scion; plectrum; crafty person
pub: pub
pubertad: puberty
pubis: pubis; pubes
publicación: publication; publishing
publicar: to publish; to issue; to cause to appear; to make known; to broadcast
publicidad: publicity; advertising
publicista: advertising executive; publicist
publicitario: advertising; publicity
público: public; generally known; audience
pucherazo: election rigging
puchero: cooking pot; food; sustenance; pout
pucho: butt; cigarette

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