English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pulmón: lung
pulmonar: pulmonary; lung
pulmonía: pneumonia
pulóver: pullover
pulpa: pulp
pulpería: grocery; general store
pulpero: grocer
púlpito: pulpit
pulpo: octopus; cuttlefish
pulque: Mexican fermented drink
pulsación: pulse; pulsation; beat; touch; striking; fingering; keystroke
pulsador: button; push button; feeler
pulsar: to press; to push; to sound; to examine; to strike; to finger; to play; to pulsate; to beat; to
throb; to sound out
pulsera: bracelet; wristlet; watch strap; wrist bandage; side lock of hair
pulso: pulse; steady hand; struggle; care; tact; a pulso: freehand; with the strength of the hand
pulular: to swarm; to teem; to pullulate
pulverizador: spray; atomizer; sprayer; pulverizing
pulverizar: to pulverize; to smash to bits; to crush to pieces; to crush; to spray; to atomize
pum: bang
puma: puma; cougar
pumba: crash
puna: arid table-land in the Andes; mountain sickness
pundonor: dignity; honour; self-respect
punga: pickpocket
punguista: pickpocket
púnico: Punic
punitivo: punitive
punk: punk
punta: point; tip; end; nib; head; nail; point; headland; apex; top; butt; stump; stub; horn; tine;
trace; streak; tinge; somewhat; sacar punta: to sharpen
puntada: stitch; hint; stabbing pain
puntaje: score
puntal: prop; stanchion; anchorman; snack; stay; support; depth of hold
puntapié: kick
puntear: to pluck; to dot; to stipple; to sew; to stitch; to tack
puntera: toecap; cap; new toe on stockings
puntería: aim; aiming; pointing; marksmanship
puntero: leading; pointer; chisel; leader
puntiagudo: pointed; sharp; sharp-pointed
puntilla: lace edging; bullfighter's dagger; nail; de puntillas: on one's tiptoe
puntilloso: touchy; punctilious
punto: point; dot; period; stop; mark; nib; front sight; stitch; loop; knitwork; break; punch hole;
place; spot; cabstand; minute part; moment; instant; degree; extent; aim; purpose; punto final:
full stop; punto y coma: semicolon; dos puntos: colon; al punto: immediately; punto por
punto: in detail; a punto: opportunely; ready; en punto: exactly; sharp
puntuación: punctuation; score
puntual: punctual; detailed; specific; certain; sure; suitable
puntualidad: punctuality; punctual habits
puntualizar: to specify; to detail; to clarify; to finish; to perfect
puntuar: to punctuate; to mark; to point; to score

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