English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

punzada: stabbing pain; prick; puncture; sting; stitch; pang
punzante: sharp; prickling; piercing; shooting; cutting; biting; caustic
punzar: to prick; to pierce; to puncture; to sting; to give a shooting pain; to bother, to annoy
punzón: punch; puncheon; awl; bradawl; pick; bodkin; counterdie; graver; burin; stamp
puñado: handful; fistful; a lot
puñal: dagger; poniard
puñalada: stab; blow; puñalada trapera: stab in the back
puñeta: pain; nuisance; vete a hacer puñetas: get lost
puñetazo: punch; cuff; blow with the fist
puñetero: damned; wretched; difficult; picky; fussy; nasty
puño: fist; cuff; wristband; hilt; handle; hand; handwriting; grasp; head of a cane
pupa: cold sore; eruption in the lips; child's word to express pain; pupa
pupila: pupil; ward; woman boarder
pupilo: pupil; ward; boarder
pupitre: writing desk; school desk
purasangre: thoroughbred
puré: purée; puré de patatas: mashed potatoes
pureza: purity; virginity
purga: purgative; purge; physic; drains
purgante: purgative; purging; expiating
purgar: to purge; to censor; to physic; to purify; to cleanse; to expiate; to pay for; to bleed
purgarse: to take a purgative
purgatorio: purgatory
purificación: purification; purifying
purificar: to purify; to cleanse
purificarse: to purify; to cleanse oneself
purista: purist
puritanismo: puritanism
puritano: puritan; puritanical; puritanic
puro: pure; solid; identical; cigar
púrpura: purple; murex; purpura
purpurina: purpurin; glitter; bronze powder
purria: low life
purulento: purulent
pus: pus
puse: poner
pusilánime: fearful; timorous; pusillanimous
pústula: pustule
puta: whore; harlot; strumpet
putativo: putative
putrefacción: putrefaction; rotting
putrefacto: putrid; rotten
putridez: putridity
pútrido: putrid; rotten
puya: goad iron or head; tip of picador's lance
puyazo: jab; jibe
puzzle: jigsaw

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