English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

querer: love; affection; to want; to wish; to will; to desire; to need; to demand; to love; to like
quererse: to love each other
querida: mistress; paramour
querido: dear; lover; darling; beloved; paramour
queroseno: kerosene; paraffin
querré, querrás: querer
querubín: cherub
quesada: cake made of cheese and pastry
quesadilla: pastry with dried fruit and syrup filling; cheesecake; soft fried corn tortilla stuffed
with cheese and other fillings
quesera: cheese board with a glass-domed cover; cheese dish; dairy
quesería: dairy; cheese factory or shop
queso: cheese; queso de bola: round hard cheese; queso rallado: grated cheese
quetzal: quetzal
quibutz: kibbutz
quicio: jamb; pivot hole; sacar de quicio: to drive mad; to strain; to exasperate
quid: crux; gist; reason; essence
quiebra: bankruptcy; crash; collapse; breakdown; failure; break; crack; fissure; ravine; loss;
quiebro: swerve; dodge; feint; trill; quebrar
quien: who; whom; whoever; whomever
quién: who; whom
quienquiera: whoever; whomever; whosoever; whomsoever
quiero, quiera: querer
quieto: still; calm; placid; motionless; undisturbed; peaceful; orderly; virtuous; estáte quieto:
keep still
quietud: stillness; quietness; calm; peace; quietude; rest; repose; tranquility
quijada: jaw; jawbone
quijotada: quixotic act
quijote: cuisse; upper part of the haunch; Quixote
quijotesco: quixotic
quilate: carat; karat
quilla: keel
quilo: kilo
quimera: fantasy; wishful thinking; chimera; quarrel; row
quimérico: fanciful; chimerical
química: chemistry
químico: chemical; chemist
quimioterapia: chemotherapy
quimo: chyme
quimono: kimono
quina: quinine; cinchona
quincalla: trinket; small metal wares
quincallería: cheap trinkets; junk shop
quince: fifteen; fifteenth
quinceañero: teenager; fifteen year-old
quinceavo: fifteenth
quincena: fortnight; two weeks
quincenal: every two weeks; biweekly
quincuagenario: having fifty units; quinquagenarian
quincuagésimo: fiftieth

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