recopilación: compilation; collection; summary; abridgment; compendium
recopilar: to compile
recórcholis: gosh; bother
récord: record
recordar: to remember; to recollect; to remind
recordatorio: reminder; memento
recorrer: to travel; to traverse; to walk; to go over or through; to travel in; to make the round of;
to overhaul; to repair; to scan; to run one's eyes; to cover; to overrun
recorrido: distance; journey; route; course; run; circuit; beat; rounds; travel; stroke; overhaul;
reparation; scolding; dressing-down
recortable: cardboard cutout
recortado: jagged; notched; cutout
recortar: to cut out; to trim; to cut; to clip; o pare off; to outline
recortarse: to be outlined
recorte: cut; cutting; clipping; offcut
recostar: to rest; to lean; to recline
recostarse: to lie back; to sit back; to lean back; to recline
recoveco: sharp bend; turning; winding; nook; artifice; trick
recrear: to recreate; to amuse; to delight; to give pleasure; to re-create
recrearse: to enjoy oneself; to take delight; to recreate
recreativo: recreational; recreation; recreative
recreo: break; recess; entertainment; recreation; place os amusement
recriminación: recrimination; mutual criticism
recriminar: to reproach; to recriminate
recrudecer: to make worse; to worsen; to recrudesce
recrudecerse: to worsen; to get worse
recrudecimiento: worsening; recrudescence
recta: straight line; straight
rectangular: rectangular; oblong
rectángulo: rectangle; rectangular; right-angled; oblong
rectificación: correction; rectification
rectificar: to rectify; to modify; to change; to reform; to correct
rectilíneo: rectilinear; rectilineal
rectitud: rectitude; righteousness; uprightness; straightness; correctness
recto: straight; righteous; just; fair; severe; literal; rectum
rector: director; head; rector; president; parish priest; guiding; governing; directing
rectorado: rectorate; rectorship; president's office; rector's office
rectoría: rectory; rectorate; rectorship; rector's office
recua: train; drove of animals; multitude of things
recuadro: square; box
recubierto: covered; recubrir
recubrir: to give a coating to; to cover again; to cover; to coat; to line; to face; to overlay
recuento: count; telling; enumeration; recount
recuerdo: memory; remembrance; recollection; keepsake; souvenir; recordar; recuerdos:
compliments; regards
recuperable: recoverable
recuperación: recovery; regain; retrieval; resist; retake
recuperar: to recover; to regain; to recuperate; to make up; to pass; to salvage
recuperarse: to recover
recurrente: recurring; recurrent; appellant
recurrir: to appeal against; to appeal; to resort; to revert; to return