English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

recurso: resort; recourse; reversion; return; appeal; method
red: net; netting; network; snare; trap; system; grating; railing; chain
redacción: writing; essay; composition; redaction; wording; drawing up; editorial office;
editorial stuff
redactar: to write; to redact; to word; to edit; to compile
redactor: editor; subeditor; copy editor; writer; journalist
redada: raid; catch; haul; netful; casting a net
redecilla: hairnet; small net; netting; reticulum
redención: redemption; deliverance from pain or poverty
redentor: redeemer; redeeming
redicho: affected
redil: fold; sheepfold; pen
redimir: to redeem; to deliver from pain or poverty
redimirse: to redeem oneself
redistribución: redistribution
redistribuir: to redistribute
rédito: interest; income; revenue
redivivo: resuscitated; revived
redoblar: to redouble; to double; to reduplicate; to clinch; to roll a drum; to give a drumroll
redoble: drumroll; roll
redoma: flask; phial; balloon
redomado: complete; artful; crafty; sly
redonda: semibreve; whole note; neighbourhood; a la redonda: around; round
redondear: to make round; to round up; to round down; to round off; to round out; to finish off
redondel: circle; ring; round; arena; bull ring
redondo: round; good; square; plain; direct; roman; circle; orb; round object; rolled cut of beef;
en redondo: categorically
reducción: reduction
reducido: reduced; restricted; diminished; small; compact
reducidor: fence
reducir: to reduce; to persuade; to convince; to convert; to subdue; to change down
reducirse: to be reduced; to be limited
reducto: stronghold; redoubt
reductor: reducing; reducer
redundancia: redundancy; redundance
redundante: redundant; superfluous
redundar: to overflow; to run over; to result in
reedición: reissue
reedificación: rebuilding
reedificar: to rebuild
reeditar: to reissue
reeducación: re-education
reeducar: re-educate
reelección: re-election
reelegir: to re-elect
reembolsable: refundable
reembolsar: to refund; to reimburse
reembolso: refund; reimbursement; refunding
reemplazar: to replace; to supersede
reemplazo: replacement; substitution; anual enrollment
reemprender: to start again

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