roñica: stingy; tight-fisted; skinflint
roñoso: grimy; filthy; scabby; mangy; rusty; stingy; mean; tight-fisted; skinflint
ropa: dry goods; stuff; fabric; clothes; clothing; garments; dress; robe; ropa interior: underwear
ropaje: robes; clothes; garb; gown; drapery; wording; language
ropavejero: dealer in second-hand clothes; old-clothes dealer
ropero: wardrobe; clothes closet; charitable institution for the distribution of clothes
roque: rook; castle; sound asleep
roquedal: rocky place
roquero: rocker; rock musician
rorro: baby; baby in arms
rosa: rose; rosette; rose diamond; rosace; rose window; pink; rosa de los vientos: compass card
rosáceo: pinkish; rose-coloured; rosaceous
rosado: pink; rose-coloured; rosy; pinky; rosé
rosal: rose bush;
rosaleda: rose garden
rosario: rosary; string; series; succession; backbone; chain pump
rosbif: roast beef
rosca: screw and nut; screw thread; turn; coil, espiral; roll twisted into a ring; padded ring; roll
of fat; doughnut-shaped cake or bread roll; <b to go too far
roscar: to thread
rosco: doughnut-shaped cake or bread roll; zero
roscón: ring-shaped cake or pastry; roscón de Reyes: cake eaten at Epiphany
roseta: flush; red spot on the cheek; small rose; rose; rosehead; rosetas: popcorn
rosetón: rose window; wheel window; ceiling rose; rose; rosette
rosquilla: small ring-shaped cake
rosticería: delicatessen
rostizado: roast
rostro: face; countenance; cheek; nerve; rostrum
rotación: rotation
rotar: to rotate; to revolve; to take turns
rotativa: rotary press
rotativo: rotary; newspaper
rotatorio: rotary; rotating
rotisería: delicatessen
roto: broken; cracked; shattered; torn; ruined; exhausted; worn-out; debaucher; licentious;
common man; guy; hole
rotonda: roundabout; traffic circle; rotunda; rear section of a stagecoach; roundhouse
rótula: kneecap; rotula
rotulación: lettering; labelling
rotulador: felt-tip; marker pen
rotular: to do the lettering on; to label; to letter
rótulo: sign; label; title; poster; placard
rotundidad: firmness; clarity; roundness; rotundity
rotundo: categorical; emphatic; flat; direct; resounding; well-rounded; round; circular
rotura: breakage; breaking; fracture; break; crack; tear; rent; hole
roturación: ploughing; plowing
roturar: to plough; to plow
roulotte: caravan; trailer
roya: rust; mildew
royalties<: royalties