sor: sister
sorber: to sip; to slurp; to soak up; to absorb; to imbibe; to suck; to swallow; to sniff
sorbete: sorbet; water ice
sorbo: sip; gulp; swallow; absorption; imbibing;
sordera: deafness
sordidez: squalor; dirtiness; squalidity; sordidness
sórdido: squalid; sordid; dirty
sordina: mute; sordine; damper
sordo: deaf; indifferent; low; dull; muffled; voiceless; deaf person; silent; still; surd
sordomudo: deaf-mute; deaf and dumb
soriano: inhabitant of Soria
soriasis: psoriasis
sorna: sarcasm; sluggishness
soroche: altitude sickness; blush flush
sorprendente: surprising
sorprender: to surprise; to catch unaware; to discover; to find out
sorprenderse: to be surprised
sorpresa: surprise
sortear: to raffle off; to draw lots for; to evade; to get around; to find a way around; to fight the
sorteo: draw; drawing; raffle; evading or getting around; fighting the bull
sortija: ring; small ring; finger ring; curl
sortilegio: spell; charm; sortilege
sosa: soda; glasswort; soda ash
sosaina: dull; dull person; colourless person
sosegado: calm; quiet; tranquil; peaceful; pacified
sosegar: to calm; to quiet; to appease; to soothe; to pacify; to rest; to repose
sosegarse: to calm down; to become calm
sosería: dullness; insipidity; vapidness
sosiego: peace; calm; quiet; tranquility
soslayar: to dodge; to get around; to elude; to evade; to pass over; to place obliquely
soslayo: oblique; de soslayo: sideways; askance; obliquely
soso: tasteless; insipid; bland; dull; boring; uninteresting; boring person; bore
sospecha: suspicion
sospechar: to suspect; to be suspicious about
sospechoso: suspicious; suspect
sostén: support; sustenance; bra; brassiere
sostener: to hold; to support; to sustain; to prop; to aid; to give strength to; to encourage; to
endure; to tolerate; to maintain; to affirm; to contend; to defend; to keep up; to have
sostenerse: to support oneself
sostenido: supported; sustained; sharp
sota: jack; knave; old bag
sotana: cassock; soutane; drubbing; bating
sótano: basement; cellar
sotavento: lee; leeward
soterrado: secret; hidden
soterrar: to put underground; to bury; to hide to rest; to lay to rest
soto: copse; thicket; grove
soufflé: soufflé
soviet: soviet
soviético: Soviet