tener: to have; to have got; to be; to hold; to keep; to own; to possess; to get; to give birth to;
tener que: must; to have to; to have got to
tenerse: to hold fast or steady; to keep from falling; to stand or rest on something
tengo, tenga: tener
tenia: tapeworm; taenia
teniente: lieutenant; deputy; substitute; dull of hearing
tenis: tennis; lawn tennis; plimsoll; sneaker
tenista: tennis player
tenor: tenor; nature; import; a tenor de: judging by; in accordance with
tenorio: lady killer; Don Juan
tensar: to pull taut; to draw; to tense
tensión: tension; strain; voltage; blood pressure; stress
tenso: tight; taut; tensed; tense
tensor: tensor; tension; tightening; tensile; tightener; turnbuckle
tentación: temptation
tentáculo: tentacle; feeler
tentado: tempted
tentador: tempting; alluring; tempter
tentar: to tempt; to feel; to touch; to examine by touché; to grope for; to feel one's way; to try; to
attempt; to probe
tentativa: attempt; try; trial; endeavour
tentempié: snack; light meal; bite; tumbler
tentetieso: tumbler
tenue: light; weak; faint; dim; thin; tenuous; slender; delicate
teñir: to dye; to tinge; to colour; to stain; to dark; to sadden
teñirse: to dye
teología: theology; divinity
teológico: theological; theologic
teólogo: theologian
teorema: theorem
teoría: theory; theory paper; theoretics
teórica: theory; theoretics
teórico: theoric; theoretical; theoretician; theorist; theory
teorizar: to theorize
tequila: tequila
terapeuta: therapist; therapeutist
terapéutica: therapy; therapeutics
terapéutico: therapeutic
terapia: therapy
terbio: terbium
tercer: tercero
tercera: third class; third gear; go between; tierce; third
tercermundista: third-world
tercero: third; third party; mediator; intermediator; go-between; procurer; third storey
terceto: trio; tercet; triplet
terciar: to intervene; to mediate; to place across or crosswise; to divide into three; to plough the
third time; to carry arms; to take part
terciarse: to come up; to happen
terciario: tertiary; third
tercio: third; regiment; each of the three parts in which a bullfight is divided
terciopelo: velvet