tozudo: stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded
traba: obstacle; hindrance; restraint; slide; bond; clasp; locking device; hobble; shackle;
trabajado: tired; worn-out; over-worked; full of hardships; elaborate; worked; wrought
trabajador: hard-working; worker; labourer; hand; industrious; laborious; hard-working
trabajar: to work; to labour; to strive; to endeavour; to till; to elaborate; to act; to work on; to
practice; to practise; to sell; to knead; to harass; to worry; to trouble; to wear out
trabajo: work; job; employment; essay; labour; toll; effort; task; workmanship; exertion; effort;
trouble; trabajo de chinos: long and hard slog
trabajoso: hard; arduous; difficult; tiresome; laborious; laboured; full of hardships
trabalenguas: tongue-twister; jawbreaker
trabar: to fasten; to bind; to clasp; to lock; to secure; to shackle; to join; to strike up; to hinder;
to thicken; to inspissate; to catch; to seize; to hobble; to trammel; to set a saw; to strike up
trabarse: to get tangled
trabazón: link; union; connection; joining; binding; conexión; relation; thickness; consistence;
trabilla: half-belt; belt loop; gaiter or trouser strap
trabucar: to mix up; to upset; to overturn; to confuse; to disturb; to jumble
trabucarse: to get mixed up
trabuco: blunderbuss
traca: series of firecrackers
trácala: trick
tracalada: crowd; heap; load
tracción: traction
tracto: tract; stretch; space; lapse; interval; tractus
tractor: tractive; tractor
tradición: tradition
tradicional: traditional
tradicionalismo: traditionalism
traducción: translation
traducir: to translate; to express; to interpret
traducirse: to be translated as; to result
traductor: translator
traer: to bring; to carry; to draw; to attract; to cause; to occasion; to result in; to make; to keep;
to have; to wear; to adduce; traérselas: to be a real handful
traerse: to bring along; to be engaged in
traficante: trafficker; trader; trafficking; trading
traficar: to traffic; to deal; to trade; to travel; to roam
tráfico: traffic; trade
tragaderas: throat; gullet
tragaldabas: greedy guts; glutton
tragaluz: skylight
tragaperras: slot machine
tragar: to swallow; to swallow up; to gobble up; to gulp down; to gobble; to devour; to engulf;
to put away; to use; to stand; to swot; to put up with
tragarse: to swallow up; to stand each other; to fall for
tragedia: tragedy
trágico: tragic; tragical; tragedian; tragedienne
tragicomedia: tragicomedy
tragicómico: tragicomic
trago: mouthful; drink; gulp; swallow; draught; misfortune; mishap; difficult situation; tragus