English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

vuelco: overturn; turnover; upset; volcar
vuelo: flight; projection; jut; spread; wideness; flaring; importance; volar
vuelta: return; coming back; turn; stroll; tour; trip; excursion; bend; curve; wind; reverse; other
side; round; half season; change; turn-up; cuff; lap; restitution; repetition; iteration; vault;
ceiling; facing; cuff trimming; burden; beating; drubbing
vuelto: change; volver
vuelvo, vuelva: volver
vuestro: your; yours; los vuestros: your family; your people
vulgar: common; vulgar; crude
vulgaridad: vulgarity; commonplace; platitude
vulgarismo: vulgarism; popular expression
vulgo: vulgar; common people; plebs
vulnerable: vulnerable
vulnerar: to infringe; to contravene; to damage; to wound; to harm; to injure
vulva: vulva

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