English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

abecedario: alphabet
abedul: birch
abeja: bee; abeja reina: queen bee
abejaruco: bee-eater
abejorro: bumblebee
aberración: evil thing; aberration
aberrante: aberrant
abertura: opening
abertzale: Basque nationalist
abeto: fir
abiertamente: openly; frankly
abierto: open; participio pasado de abrir
abigarrado: multi-coloured; motley; gaudy; garish; mixed
abisal: abyssal
abismal: vast; colosal; huge; enormous
abismo: abyss; disparity
abjurar: to abjure; to renounce; to repudiate
ablandar: to soften; to soften up
ablandarse: to soften; to give in
ablativo: ablative
ablución: ablution
abnegación: abnegation; self-denial
abnegado: selfless; self-sacrificing
abobado: silly; bewildered
abocado: destined
abochornado: embarrassed
abochornar: to embarrass
abochornarse: to get embarrassed; to feel embarrassed
abofetear: to slap
abogacía: legal profession
abogado: lawyer
abogar: advocate; to plead
abolengo: lineage; ancestry
abolición: abolition
abolicionismo: abolitionism
abolicionista: abolitionist
abolir: to abolish
abollado: dented
abollar: to dent
abollarse: to get dented
abombado: convex; dazed
abombar: to make convex
abombarse: to become bent; to rot; to go off; to get drunk
abominable: abominable
abominación: abomination
abominar: to detest
abonado: paid; fertilized; subscriber
abonar: to fertilize; to pay; to subscribe
abonarse: to subscribe
abono: season ticket; fertilizing; fertilizer; payment
abordaje: boarding

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