English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

conductor: conductive; driver; leader; guide; conductor
conectar: to connect; to gear; to unite; to communicate; to link up; to be in tune
conejera: burrow; rabbit hole; warren; den; low haunt; hutch; poky hole
conejero: rabbit-hunting; rabbit keeper
conejillo: small rabbit; conejillo de Indias: guinea pig
conejo: rabbit
conexión: connection; relationship; coherence
confabulación: conspiracy; league; plot; confabulation
confabular: to confabulate
confabularse: to plot; to conspire
confección: preparation; making-up
confeccionar: to make; to draw up; to prepare; to confection
confederación: confederation; federation; league
confederado: confederate; federate
conferencia: conference; public lecture; talk; long-distance call; meeting
conferenciante: speaker; lecturer
conferir: to confer; to bestow; to grant; to give
confesar: to confess
confesión: confession
confesional: denominational; confessional
confesionario: confessional box
confeso: self-confessed; converted; lay brother
confesor: confessor
confeti: confetti
confiado: trusting; confident; presumptuous; confiding; unsuspecting
confianza: confidence; trust; reliance; courage; enterprise; self-confidence; assurance;
familiarity; informality
confiar: to trust; to entrust; to confide; to rely; to commit
confiarse: to be trustful; to confide; to become overconfident
confidencia: secret; confidence; confidence; trust
confidencial: confidential
confidencialidad: confidentiality
confidente: confidant; confidante; informer; trustworthy; reliable; love seat
configuración: layout; configuration
configurar: to shape; to form; to configurate
configurarse: to be formed; to be shaped
confín: edge; border; boundary; bordering
confinado: confined
confinamiento: confinement; banishment to a definite place
confinar: to lock away; to lock up; to banish; to border
confinarse: to shut oneself away
confirmación: confirmation
confirmar: to confirm
confirmarse: to be confirmed; to receive confirmation
confiscar: to confiscate
confite: sweet; candy; sugarplum
confitería: patisserie; tea room; confectionery
confitura: jam; confection; comfit; candied or preserved fruit
conflagración: war; conflict; conflagration
conflictivo: controversial; of conflict
conflicto: clash; conflict; problem; dilemma; fix

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