confluencia: confluence; meeting; point; junction
confluir: to flow together; to converge; to meet; to crowd; to assemble
conformar: to shape; to approve; to conform; to adapt; to agree
conformarse: to submit; to yield; to comply; to be satisfied; to resign oneself
conforme: satisfied; according; as; accordant; agreeable; conformable; consistent; correct; in
conformidad: agreement; approval; accordance; stoicism; resignation; patience; symmetry
conformismo: conformity
conformista: conformist
confort: comfort
confortable: comfortable; comforting
confortar: to give strength; to invigorate; to comfort
confraternizar: to get to know each other; to fraternize
confrontación: confrontation; comparison
confrontar: to compare; to confront; to collate; to cross-examine; to border; to face up
confundir: to mistake; to confuse; to embarrass; to mix; to mingle; to defeat in argument
confundirse: to get confused; to become embarrassed; to make a mistake
confusión: mistake; confusion; embarrassment; humiliation; shame
confuso: confused; troubled; bewildered; awed; obscure; unintelligible; blurred; indistinct
conga: conga
congelación: freezing; frostbite; freeze; congelation
congelado: frozen; frostbitten
congelador: freezer
congelar: to freeze; to congeal; to cause frostbite in
congelarse: to freeze; to get frostbite
congénere: crony; congener; congeneric
congeniar: to get along well
congénito: congenital
congestión: congestion
congestionado: congested
congestionar: to congest
congestionarse: to become congested
conglomerado: conglomerate
conglomerar: to conglomerate
Congo: Congo
congoja: grief; anguish; agony
congoleño: Congolese
congraciar: to win the good will of
congraciarse: to ingratiate oneself
congratular: to congratulate
congregación: gathering; brotherhood; congregation; assembly
congregar: to bring together; to congregate; to assemble
congregarse: to meet; to assemble; to congregate
congresista: delegate; member of a congress or assembly
congreso: conference; congress; assembly
congrio: conger eel; conger
congruencia: congruence; congruity
congruente: in keeping; congruent; congruous
cónico: conical; conic
conífera: conifer
conífero: coniferous