English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

desleal: disloyal
deslealtad: disloyalty
desleír: to dissolve; to dilute
deslenguado: insolent; foul-mouthed; impudent; insolent
desliar: to untie; to undo; to unwrap; to separate lees from wine
desliarse: to come undone; to come untied
desligar: to untie; to unfasten; to unbind; to unravel; to separate; to absolve; to free; to play or
sing staccato
desligarse: to come untied; to come unfastened; to untie oneself; to sever one's connections; to
free oneself
deslindar: to mark the boundaries of; to distinguish; to demarcate; to delimitate; to explain; to
desliz: slip; blunder; false step; frailty; indiscretion; sliding; slipping
deslizar: to slide; to slip; to glide; to skip
deslizarse: to slide; to glide; to slither; to slip; to make a slip
deslomar: to break the back of; to injure or strain the loins of; to beat; to thrash
deslomarse: to wear oneself out
deslucido: faded; dull; unexciting; tarnished; spoilt; lacklustre; poor; flat; being a failure
deslucir: to take the shine off; to tarnish; to fade; to mar; to detract from; to spoil
deslucirse: to lose its shine; to become dull; to fade
deslumbramiento: dazzling; dazzle
deslumbrante: dazzling; glaring
deslumbrar: to dazzle; to daze
deslustrar: to dull; to tarnish; to unglaze; to frost; to impair the beauty or the fame
desmadrado: unruly; wild
desmadrar: to separate young animals from their mothers
desmadrarse: to get out of control; to go wild
desmadre: chaos; rave-up; wild party
desmán: excess; outrage; mishap; desman; muskrat
desmandar: to repeal an order; to revoke a legacy
desmandarse: to get out of control; to misbehave; to go wild; to lose moderation; to break away
desmano: a desmano: out of the way
desmantelar: to dismantle; to empty: to strip; to unmast; to unrig
desmañado: clumsy; awkward; unhandy
desmaquillador: make-up remover
desmaquillante: make-up remover
desmaquillarse: to remove one's make-up
desmarcar: to remove marks from
desmarcarse: to get into an unmarked position; to disassociate oneself
desmayado: unconscious; faint; languid; discouraged; pale; wan
desmayar: to lose heart; to dismay; to discourage; to lose courage
desmayarse: to faint; to swoon; to pass out
desmayo: languor; weakness; discouragement; fainting fit; swoon; weeping willow
desmedido: excessive; disproportionate; out of measure
desmedirse: to forget oneself; to act insolently; to go too far
desmejorado: worse; less attractive
desmejorar: to spoil; to get worse; to worsen; to impair the beauty, perfection or health of
desmejorarse: to get worse; to worsen; to decline
desmelenar: to dishevel; to disarrange the hair of
desmelenarse: to let one's hair down

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