English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

desolación: desolation; destruction; solitariness; distress; grief
desolador: devastating; desolating; grieving; grievous; extremely painful
desolar: to devastate; to lay waste; to cause anguish to
desolarse: to be devastated; to be desolate; to be disconsolate
desolladero: place where cattle are skinned; slaughterhouse
desollar: to skin; to flay; to excoriate; to cause great harm, pain or injure to; to pull to pieces
desorbitado: disproportionate; exorbitant; con los ojos desorbitados: pop-eyed
desorbitar: to get out of proportion
desorbitarse: to shoot up
desorden: disorder; confusion; disarray; chaos; mess; disturbance; riot; licence; excess
desordenado: untidy; messy; jumbled; chaotic; disarranged; careless; slovenly; inordinate;
immoderate; licentious
desordenar: to mess up; to make untidy; to put out of order; to disorder; to disarrange; to upset
desordenarse: to become untidy; to get out of order; to become disarranged
desorganización: disorganization; lack of organization
desorganizado: disorganized
desorganizar: to disorganize; to disrupt
desorientación: disorientation; loss of one's bearings; confusion; bafflement
desorientado: disorientated; lost; confused
desorientar: to disorientate; to disorient; to mislead; to confuse; to bewilder
desorientarse: to lose one's bearings; to become disoriented; to get confused
desovar: to spawn; to lay eggs
desoxidar: to deoxidize; to remove the rust from
desoxigenar;: to deoxidize; to deoxygenate
desoxigenarse: to deoxidize; to become deoxidized
despabilado: wide-awake; wakeful; smart; quick-witted
despabilar: to trim or snuff a candle; to finish quickly; to steal; to smarten; to enliven; to
sharpen the wits of; to kill
despabilarse: to wake up; to shake sleepiness; to become alert
despachar: to complete; to finish; to resolve; to deal with; to discuss; to serve; to attend to; to
settle; to send; to dispatch; to fire; to bump off; to meet; to hurry up
despacharse: to speak one's mind; to talk without restraint; to polish off; to hasten; to be quick
despacho: sale; shipment; office; bureau; library; studio; shop; dispatch; dismissal; promptness;
communication; commission; title; warrant
despachurrar: to crush; to squash; to make a mess of a speech
despachurrarse: to get crushed; to get squashed
despacio: slowly; quietly; in a low voice; take it easy
despampanante: amazing; astounding; stunning; splendid; ripping
despanzurrar: to crush; to squash; to burst the belly of
despanzurrarse: to get crushed; to get squashed
desparejado: odd
desparejar: to separate; to split up; to break the pair of
desparejarse: to separate; to become separated
desparejo: odd; uneven
desparpajo: self-confidence; easiness in speech and deportment; unembarrassment
desparramar: to scatter; to spread; to spill; to squander; to dissipate
desparramarse: to scatter; to spread; to spill; to amuse oneself; to have a wild time
despatarrar: to make a person open his legs; to dumbfound; to astound
despatarrarse: to sprawl; to fall flat with legs spread out
despavorido: terrified
despecho: resentment; spite born form disappointment; despair

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