English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

divisor: dividing; divisor
divo: star; great singer; poet; divine; god
divorciado: divorced; divorcee
divorciar: to divorce
divorciarse: to divorce; to become divorced from
divorcio: divorce; split; disunion; breach
divulgación: divulgation; popularization
divulgar: to divulge; to publish abroad; to popularize
divulgarse: to be spread about
DNI: identity card
do: C; do; ut
doberman: Doberman
dobladillo: hem
doblado: dubbed; exhausted; bent; deceitful
doblaje: dubbing
doblar: to double; to fold; to bend; to turn; to dub; to toll; to knell
doblarse: to double; to bend; to yield; to give in
doble: double; twofold; duplicate; copy; stunt; toll
doblegar: to bend; to curve; to force to yield
doblegarse: to yield; to give in; to submit
doblete: double win; doublet; a stroke in billiards
doblez: fold; crease; ply; cuff; duplicity; deceitfulness
doblón: doubloon
doce: twelve; twelfth
doceavo: twelfth
docena: dozen
docencia: teaching
docente: teaching; educational; teacher; lecturer
dócil: docile; manageable; obedient; tame; soft
docto: learned; knowledgeable
doctor: doctor; doctoress
doctorado: doctorate; doctorship
doctoral: doctoral; pedantic
doctorar: to doctor
doctorarse: to take the degree of doctor
doctrina: doctrine; learning; knowledge; catechism; Sunday School
doctrinario: doctrinaire
documentación: documentation; file; records; papers
documentado: documented; informed
documental: documentary; documental
documentar: to document
documentarse: to get the necessary information
documento: document; contemporary record
dogal: halter; hangman's noose
dogma: dogma
dogmático: dogmatic; dogmatical
dogmatismo: dogmatism
dogmatizar: to dogmatize
dogo: bulldog; doge; Great Dane
dólar: dollar
dolencia: complaint; ailment; disease; illness

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