English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

doler: to ache; tu hurt; to pain
dolerse de: to repent
dolido: hurt; pained; grieved
dolmen: dolmen
dolo: malicious intent; guile; deceit; fraud
dolor: pain; ache; aching; sorrow; grief; repentance
dolorido: sore; aching; tender; painful; saddened; sorrowful; grieving; pained
doloroso: painful; dolorous; distressing; pitiful; regrettable
doma: rodeo; taming; breaking in
domador: tamer; horsebreaker
domar: to tame; to break; to curb; to subdue; to conquer
domeñar: to master; to conquer; to subdue
domesticar: to tame; to domesticate
doméstico: domestic; servant
domiciliación: payment by direct debit; payment by bank transfer
domiciliar: to domicile; to domiciliate
domiciliarse: to domiciliate; to take up residence
domicilio: home; residence; address; domicile
dominación: domination
dominante: predominant; domineering; dominant; commanding
dominar: to dominate; to domineer; to rule over; to control; to restrain; to master
dominarse: to control oneself
domingo: Sunday
dominguero: day-tripper
dominical: dominical; Sunday; Sunday newspaper; feudal
dominicano: Dominican
dominico: Dominican friar; Dominican
dominio: dominium; authority; power; lands; mastery; domination; control; rule; domain;
sphere; scope
dominó: dominoes; domino
Don: Mr.
don: talent; knack; gift; present
donación: donation; gift; bestowal
donante: donor
donar: to donate; to bestow
donativo: donation; donative; gift; contribution
doncella: maiden; maid; virgin; maidservant
donde: where; wherein; whither; in which
dónde: where
dondequiera: wherever; anywhere
donostiarra: from San Sebastián
dónut: doughnut; donut
doña: Mrs.
dopar: to dope; to drug
doparse: to take drugs
doping: drug-taking
doquier: por doquier: everywhere
dorada: gilt head bream
dorado: gold; golden; gilt; gilding
dorar: to gild; to brown
dorarse: to take a golden tinge; to turn brown

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