English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ecuménico: ecumenic; ecumenical
ecumenismo: ecumenism
eczema: eczema
edad: age; Edad Media: Middle Ages
edelweiss: edelweiss
edema: oedema; edema
edén: Eden; paradise
edición: run; edition; issue; publication
edicto: edict
edificable: available for building
edificación: building; construction
edificante: edifying
edificar: to build; to construct; to edify
edificio: building; edifice; structure
edil: councillor; edile
Edimburgo: Edinburgh
editar: to publish
editor: publishing; publisher; editor
editorial: publishing; leading; publishing house; editorial; leader
edredón: eider down; down quilt
educación: education; manners; breeding; politeness
educado: well-mannered; polite
educador: educative; teacher; educating
educar: to educate; to train; to give good breeding
educativo: educational; educative
edulcorado: rosy
edulcorante: sweetener
edulcorar: to edulcorate; to sweeten
efectismo: striking or dramatic effect
efectista: for effect
efectivamente: really; actually; as a matter of fact; indeed
efectivo: effective; real; actual; permanent; cash; ready moment; efectivos: forces
efecto: effect; result; purpose; end; aim; impression; bill; efectos personales: personal
efectuar: to effect; to do; to carry out
efectuarse: to take place
efeméride: anniversary of an important event; efemérides: diary; list of important anniversaries
for a particular day
efervescencia: effervescence; excitement; agitation
efervescente: effervescent
eficacia: effectiveness; efficiency; efficacy; efficacity
eficaz: efficient; efficacious; effective; effectual
eficiencia: efficiency
eficiente: efficient
efigie: effigy; image
efímero: ephemeral; brief; short-lived
efluvio: emanation; effluvium; exhalation
efusión: gush; effusion; pouring out; shedding; warmth
efusividad: effusiveness
efusivo: affectionate; effusive; warm

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