embarazoso: embarrassing; difficult; cumbersome
embarcación: boat; vessel; craft; ship; embarkation
embarcadero: pier; quay; wharf; jetty
embarcar: to embark; to ship
embarcarse: to embark
embargar: to impede; to restrain; to overcome; to paralyze; to attach; to seize; to lay an embargo
embargo: attachment; seizure; embargo; sin embargo: notwithstanding; nevertheless; however
embarque: boarding; shipment
embarrado: muddy
embarrancar: to run a ship aground
embarrancarse: to stick in the mud
embarrar: to bemud; to splash with mud; to bedaub; to besmear
embarullado: messy
embarullar: to muddle; to mix up; to make a mess of
embarullarse: to muddle; to act in a confused way
embate: battering; crashing; pounding; dash; buffet
embaucador: swindling; deceiving; swindler; con man; deceiver; humbug; bamboozler
embaucar: to deceive; to humbug; to bamboozle
embeber: to absorb; to imbibe; to soak up; to soak; to embed; to insert; to fit in; to take in; to
embeberse: to become absorbed
embebido: absorbed
embeleco: cheating; deception; trick; humbug
embelesado: entranced; spellbound
embelesar: to charm; to entrance; to delight; to captivate
embelesarse: to be charmed; to become entranced
embeleso: enchantment; fascination; delight; charm
embellecedor: decorative trim
embellecer: to embellish; to beautify
embellecimiento: embellishment
emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse: to be enraged; to fly into a rage
embestida: charge; attack; assault; onset
embestir: to assail; to attack; to charge
embetunar: to bituminize; to black
emblandecer: to soften; to mollify
emblandecerse: to soften; to get soft; to relent
emblanquecer: to whiten
emblanquecerse: to turn white
emblema: emblem
emblemático: emblematic; emblematical
embobado: fascinated
embobar: to enchant; to hold in suspense
embobarse: to be enchanted; to be absorbed; to stand gaping
embocadura: mouth; river-mouth; entrance by a narrow passage; embouchure; mouthpiece;
flavour; proscenium arch
embocar: to mouth; to put into the mouth; to enter or to put through a narrow place; to gobble
embolado: minor role; bull with wooden balls on horns; trick; deception
embolar: to tip horns with a wooden ball
embole: pain in the neck; drag