English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

embolia: embolism
émbolo: plunger; piston; embolus
embolsar: to pocket money
emboquillado: filter-tipped
emborrachar: to intoxicate; to make drunk
emborracharse: to become intoxicated; to get drunk; to run together
emborrascar: to anger; to irritate
emborrascarse: to get angry; to get stormy
emborronar: to blot; to scribble
emboscada: ambush; ambuscade
emboscar: to ambuscade; to ambush
emboscarse: to enter or hide in the woods; to get shirk work or danger by taking an easy job
embotado: bloated; blunt; dull
embotar: to blunt; to dull; to put in a jar
embotarse: to become blunt or dull
embotellado: bottled; prepared; blotting
embotellamiento: bottling; traffic jam; stoppage
embotellar: to bottle; to bottle up; to stop; to obstruct
embozar: to muffle; to wrap; to cloak; to disguise; to conceal
embozarse: to muffle oneself up
embozo: part of the sheets that turns down over the blankets; part of an outer garment pulled up
to cover the face; strip of wool or silk lining the side of a cloak; disguise
embragar: to sling; to engage the clutch
embrague: clutch; slinging
embravecer: to irritate; to enrage
embravecerse: to get angry; to get rough
embrear: to tar; to pitch
embriagado: intoxicated; inebriated; drunk; under the influence of alcohol
embriagador: intoxicating; inebriating; heady
embriagar: to intoxicate; to inebriate; to make drunk
embriagarse: to get drunk; to become inebriated
embriaguez: intoxication; drunkenness; inebriation
embridar: to bridle
embrión: embryo; beginnings; origin
embrionario: embryonic
embrollado: muddled
embrollar: to entangle; to confuse; to muddle; to embroil
embrollarse: to get muddled or confused
embrollo: muddle; tangle; mess; lie; deception; imbroglio
embromar: to play jokes on; to banter; to chaff; to fool; to device
embrujado: bewitched; under a spell; haunted
embrujar: to bewitch
embrujo: spell; bewitchment
embrutecer: to besot; to brutify
embuchado: minced pork sausage; stuffing of a ballot-box; fraudulent affair
embuchar: to stuff guts to make sausages; to gobble up one's food
embudo: funnel; trick; deception
embuste: lie; falsehood; invention
embustero: liar; deceiver; lying
embutido: inlaid work; marquetry; any kind of sausage
embutir: to stuff guts to make sausages; to inlay; to set flush; to stuff; to cram; to insert; to put

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