English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

embutirse: to gobble up
emergencia: emergency; emergence; appearance; happening; incident; emergence
emerger: to emerge
emérito: emeritus
emigración: emigration; migration
emigrado: emigrant; émigré; emigree
emigrante: emigrant
emigrar: to emigrate
eminencia: eminence; leading figure; hill; prominent position
eminente: eminent; leading
emir: emir; ameer
emirato: emirate
emisario: emissary; envoy; messenger
emisión: emission; broadcasting; broadcast; programme; program; issue; issuance
emisor: transmitting; emitting; broadcasting; issuing; speaker
emisora: radio station; station
emitir: to emit; to issue; to broadcast
emoción: emotion; excitement; thrill
emocionado: moved
emocionante: moving; exciting; touching; thrilling
emocionar: to move; to touch; to thrill; to arouse emotion in
emocionarse: to be moved
emoliente: emollient; soothing cream
emolumento: emolument
emotividad: emotive nature
emotivo: emotional; moving; emotive
empacar: to pack; to bale
empachado: clogged; surfeited; troubled; ashamed; awkward; timid
empachar: to impede; to embarrass; to surfeit; to give indigestion
empacharse: to be embarrassed; to be ashamed; to have an indigestion
empacho: upset stomach; surfeit; overeating; awkwardness; embarrassment; shame; hindrance;
empadronamiento: census; registration
empadronarse: to register in a census
empalagar: to cloy; to sicken; to pall; to weary; to bore; to irritate
empalago: cloying; sickening; palling; boring
empalagoso: sickly sweet; over-rich; cloying; sickening; palling
empalar: to impale on a stake
empalizada: fence; palisade; stockade
empalmar: to join; to splice; to connect; to volley; to be related; to follow on
empalmarse: to get randy; to have a hard-on
empalme: connection; junction; intersection
empanada: pie; empanada mental: muddle
empanadilla: pasty; turnover; small pie
empanado: breaded; covered in breadcrumbs
empanar: to bread; to put into a pie
empantanado: flooded; bogged down; untidy
empantanar: to flood; to make swampy; to swamp; to obstruct; to bring to a halt
empantanarse: to become flooded; to become swampy; to come to a halt
empañado: steamed; misty; faltering; sullied; tarnished

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