empresario: businessman; employer; contractor; theatrical manager; showman
empréstito: government or corporation loan
empujar: to push; to shove; to impel
empuje: push; thrust; energy; enterprise; drive
empujón: push; shove; a empujones: by fits and starts
empuñadura: hilt; handle
empuñar: to wield; to brandish; to hold; to clutch; to grasp; to grip
emú: emu
emulación: emulation
emulador: emulative
emular: to emulate
émulo: emulous; emulator
emulsión: emulsion
emulsionar: to emulsify
en: in; at; on; upon; into; for; by
enaguas: petticoat; slip; underskirt
enajenación: transfer; insanity; alienation; abstraction; rapture; enajenación mental: mental
derangement; madness
enajenado: alienated; insane
enejenar: to alienate; to transport; to carry away; to transfer; to drive insane
enajenarse: to go mad; to become estranged; to become enraptured; to dispossess oneself of
enaltecer: to do credit to; to praise; to ennoble; to exalt; to extol
enaltecerse: to become exalted
enamoradizo: inclined to love; amorous
enamorado: in love; loving; enamoured; lover; sweetheart
enamoramiento: love; infatuation; enamouring
enamorar: to inspire love in; to win the heart of; to infatuate; to enamour; to charm
enamorarse: to fall in love
enamoriscarse: to be slightly in love
enano: dwarf; dwarfish
enarbolar: to hoist; to raise; to brandish; to adopt
enarbolarse: to rear; to hoop
enarcar: to raise; to arch
enardecedor: rousing; stirring
enardecer: to arouse; to whip up; to inflame; to fire; to heat; to kindle; to excite
enardecerse: to get excited; to become heated; to burn
enarenar: to cover with sand; to gravel; to run aground
encabestrar: to halter; to make wild bulls be lead by tame ones
encabezado: header
encabezamiento: heading; first words; caption; tax roll
encabezar: to head; to lead; to register on a tax roll; to fortify wine with another alcohol
encabritarse: to rear up; to shoot up; to get very angry
encadenado: chained
encadenamiento: chaining; enchainment; connection; linking; concatenation
encadenar: to chain up; to enchain; to tie; to keep chained; to enslave; to link together; to
encadenarse: to follow one after the other
encajar: to fit; to insert; to slot; to take; to react to; to deal; to subject to; to put up with; to let
through; to tally; to fit in; to settle; to land a blow; to be relevant
encajarse: to fit; to put on; to squeeze oneself into; to butt in; to put on; to get stuck
encaje: lace; inlaid work; fitting in; insertion; socket, cavity or frame in which a thing is inserted