English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

encajonar: to box in; to put in a narrow place
encajonarse: to get boxed in; to narrow between seep banks
encalado: whitewashing
encalar: to whitewash; to lime
encalladura: running aground; beaching; grounding; stranding
encallar: to run aground; to beach; to get stuck
encallecer: to get corns or callosities
encallecerse: to become hardened
encalmarse: to calm; to become calm or still; to drop
encamar: to send to bed
encamarse: to get oneself to bed
encaminado: aimed
encaminar: to direct; to guide; to set on the way; to put on the right road
encaminarse: to set off; to be on one's way; to be intended to
encanallar: to make vile or base
encanallarse: to become corrupted; to become base or vile
encandilado: gaping; high; erect; cocked
encandilar: to dazzle; to daze; to captivate; to fascinate; to take in; to dupe; to stir the fire
encandilarse: to fall in love; to shine
encanecer: to turn grey; to grow old; to turn hoary
encanecerse: to turn grey
encanijado: weak; puny
encanijar: to make lean and sickly
encanijarse: to become shrunken; to become lean and sickly
encantado: enchanted; haunted; pleased; delighted
encantador: delightful; charming; enchanting; magician; charmer; enchanter
encantamiento: spell; enchantment
encantar: to put a spell on; to bewitch; to charm; to delight
encanto: magic; charm; treasure; delight; love; darling; encantos: charms
encañar: to stake; to train; to pipe; to prop up plants with reeds
encañonar: to aim at; to point at; to convey through pipes; to quill; to ruff; to fledge out
encapotado: cloudy; overcast
encapotar: to put a capote on
encapotarse: to frown; to look grim; to become cloudy; to lower the head too much
encaprichamiento: whim; infatuation
encapricharse: to take into one's head
encapuchado: masked; hooded
encapuchar: to cover with a cowl or hood
encapucharse: to put on oneself a cowl or hood
encaramar: to raise; to hoist; to elevate
encaramarse: to climb; to mount; to reach a high post
encarar: to aim; to point
encararse con: to face; to put oneself face to face with
encarcelación: imprisonment
encarcelamiento: imprisonment
encarcelar: to incarcerate; to imprison
encarecer: to raise the price of; to emphasize; to enhance; to exaggerate; to praise; to
recommend strongly
encarecidamente: earnestly; insistently
encarecimiento: increase in cost; praise; insistence; earnestness
encargado: in charge; manager; foreman

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