engrosar: to thicken; to make fat or corpulent; to enlarge; to swell
engrosarse: to thicken; to grow fat or corpulent
engrudo: paste; glue
engruesar: engrosar
enguantado: wearing gloves; gloved
enguarrar: to make dirty
engullir: to gobble up; to swallow; to gulp
enharinar: to cover or smear with flour
enhebrar: to thread; to string; to connect
enhiesto: erect; upright; raised
enhorabuena: congratulations
enigma: enigma; riddle
enigmático: enigmatic; enigmatical
enjabonar: to soap; to lather; to softsoap; to give a rubbing to; to butter up
enjaezar: to put trappings on a horse
enjalbegar: to whitewash; to paint the face
enjambre: swarm; crowd; multitude
enjaretar: to reel off; to spout; to rush; to slip in; to thread
enjaular: to cage; to imprison; to confine; to lock up
enjoyado: decked out with jewels; bejewelled
enjoyar: to bejewel; to adorn or cover with jewels; to embellish; to set with precious stones
enjuagado: rinse; rinsing; rinsed
enjuagar: to rinse
enjuague: rinse; rinsing; mouthwash; washbowl; scheme; plot
enjugar: to wipe off; to mop up; to wipe away; to clear; to dry; to cancel; to pay
enjugarse: to wipe away
enjuiciamiento: trial; assessment; judgement; prosecution; examining; judging
enjuiciar: to institute proceedings against; to judge; to pass judgement on; to try
enjundia: depth; substance; force; fat in the ovary of fowls; fat
enjuto: lean; thin; skinny; dry
enlace: link; connection; wedding; go-between; union; connection
enladrillado: paved with bricks; brick pavement
enladrillar: to pave with bricks
enlatado: canned; tinned
enlatar: to can; to tin; to roof or cover with battens
enlazar: to tie together; to link; to relate; to connect; to lace; to interlace
enlazarse: to marry; to become laced or linked
enlodar: to splash with mud; to get muddy; to blacken; to malign; to bemud; to bemire; to
enlodarse: to get muddy; to soil oneself
enloquecedor: maddening
enloquecer: to drive crazy; to drive insane; to madden; to distract
enloquecerse: to go crazy, mad or insane; to lose one's mind
enloquecimiento: insanity; madness; distraction; going mad
enlosado: paving; flagstone paving; floor tiling
enlosar: to pave with tiles or flagstones
enlucido: plaster; plastered
enlucir: to plaster; to polish
enlutado: in mourning
enlutar: to crape; to put in mourning; to cast a pall over; to darken; to sadden
enlutarse: to put on mourning; to dress oneself in mourning