English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

enredarse: to get tangled up; to become involved; to be caught; to foul
enredo: tangle; mess; knot; mix-up; complication; imbroglio; falsehood; gossip; mischief; affair
enrejado: fence; railings; grille; trellis; grating; latticework; bars
enrejar: to close with a grille; to fence with railing or trellis
enrevesado: complex; complicated
enriquecer: to make rich; to enrich; to improve
enriquecerse: to get rich; to become wealthy; to be enriched
enriquecimiento: enrichment
enristrar: to string; to go straight to
enrocar: to castle; to put on the distaff
enrojecer: to redden; to turn red; to make red-hot; to make blush
enrojecerse: to go red; to become red-hot; to blush; to go red; to blush; to redden
enrojecimiento: reddening; blushing
enrolar: to enrol; to enlist
enrolarse: to enrol; to join up; to enlist; to sign up for
enrollado: rolled; coiled; wound; carried away; engrossed
enrollar: to roll; to coil; to wind; to take in
enrollarse: to talk non-stop; to go on and on; to have an affair
enronquecer: to go hoarse; to lose one's voice
enronquecerse: to go hoarse
enroque: castling
enroscar: to wind; to coil; to twist; to screw in; to tighten; to screw on
enroscarse: to wind; to coil; to twist itself
ensaimada: caked made of a coiled length of puff paste
ensalada: salad; hodge-podge; medley
ensaladera: salad bowl
ensaladilla: kind of salad with mayonnaise sauce; hodge-podge; ensaladilla rusa: Russian salad
ensalivar: to moisten with saliva
ensalmo: spell; curing by spells
ensalzar: to praise; to exalt; to elevate; to extoll; to do credit to
ensamblador: assembly; joint
ensamblaje: assembly; joint
ensamblar: to assemble; to join; to fit together; to joint
ensanchamiento: widening; enlarging
ensanchar: to widen; to broaden; to enlarge; to expand; to let out
ensancharse: to get wider; to widen; to expand; to broaden out
ensanche: widening; broadening; expansion; development; new town; suburban development
ensangrentado: bloodstained
ensangrentar: to stain with blood
ensangrentarse: to get covered in blood; to get violent or furious
ensañamiento: cruelty; mercilessness; ferocity
ensañar: to irritate; to engage
ensañarse: to show no mercy; to be cruel to
ensartar: to string together; to spit; to skew; to pierce; to gore; to plunge; to bury; to rattle off; to
reel off
ensayar: to rehearse; to test; to try out; to practice; to assay
ensayista: essayist
ensayo: rehearsal; practice; experiment; test; essay; assay
enseguida: straight away; immediately; at once
ensenada: cove; inlet; small bay
enseña: ensign; standard

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