enseñanza: education; teaching; instruction; lesson; example
enseñar: to teach; to instruct; to train; to school; to show; to point out
enseñorearse: to take over; to make oneself the master; to take possession
enseres: belongings; possessions; equipment; chattels; implements; utensils
ensillar: to saddle
ensimismado: engrossed; far away
ensimismamiento: absorption; reverie
ensimismarse: to become absorbed; to lose oneself; to be lost in thought
ensoberbecer: to make arrogant or haughty
ensoberbecerse: to become arrogant
ensombrecer: to darken; to overshadow; to cloud
ensombrecerse: to darken; to be saddened
ensoñación: daydream
ensoñar: to daydream; to fantasize
ensopar: to soak
ensordecedor: deafening
ensordecer: to deafen; to muffle; to go deaf
ensordecerse: to become deaf
ensordecimiento: deafness; deafening
ensortijado: curled
ensortijar: to curl; to crisp
ensortijarse: to curl
ensuciar: to make dirty; to dirty; to stain; to soil; to defile; to pollute; to tarnish
ensuciarse: to get dirty; to soil oneself
ensueño: fantasy; daydream; dream
entablado: framework; wooden floor
entablar: to strike up; to start; to bring; to plank; to board; to splint
entablarse: to settle
entablillado: in a splint
entablillar: to splint
entallado: fitted
entallar: to carve; to sculpture; to engrave; to notch; to make a cut in; to make a garment fit to
the waist; to fit to the waist; to cut; to tailor
entarimado: wooden floor; floorboards
ente: being; organization; entity; fellow
entelequia: entelechy
entendederas: brains; grey matter; understanding
entendedor: one who understands
entender: understanding; opinion; to understand; to conceive; to comprehend; to intend; to
mean; to think; to believe; to infer; to realize
entenderse: to be understandable; to be understood; to understand each other; to have a secret
understanding; to reach an agreement; to get on
entendido: understood; knowledgeable; expert
entendimiento: intelligence; understanding; comprehension; mind; sense; judgement; intellect
entente: accord; agreement
enteradillo: know-all; smartypants
enterado: informed; knowledgeable; expert; know-all
enterar: to inform; to acquaint
enterarse: to learn; to find out; to realize; to be informed; to inquire about
entereza: composure; calmness; strength of character; entirety; integrity; fortitude; firmness;
presence of mind