enternecedor: moving; poignant; touching; affecting
enternecer: to soften; to touch; to move to pity
enternecerse: to be touched; to be moved to pity
enternecimiento: tenderness; affection; sympathy; pity; compassion
entero: whole; entire; complete; honest; upright; firm; constant; integer; intact; undamaged;
composed; honest; steady; point
enterrador: gravedigger; sexton
enterramiento: burial; interment; sepulchre; tomb; grave
enterrar: to bury; to inter
enterrarse: to bury oneself
entibiar: to cool; to make lukewarm; to temper; to moderate
entibiarse: to become lukewarm; to cool down
entidad: entity; organization; firm; company; importance; significance
entierro: interment; burial; funeral; grave; tomb; buried treasure
entoldado: awning; marquee; awnings
entoldar: to cover with awnings; to adorn with hangings
entoldarse: to get cloudy; to become overcast
entomología: entomology
entomólogo: entomologist
entonación: intonation; modulation; tone; toning
entonado: in tune; tipsy; merry; haughty
entonar: to sing in tune; to intone; to tone
entonarse: to get tipsy
entonces: then; at that time
entontecer: to besot; to make silly; to hebetate
entorchado: braid; bullion lace; string covered with silk or wire
entornar: to half-close; to set ajar; to tilt; to upset
entorno: environment; surroundings
entorpecer: to hinder; to cloud; to dull; to blunt; to benumb; to clog; to delay; to obstruct
entorpecerse: to become dull; to become delayed
entorpecimiento: obstruction; delay; impairment; impaired use; dullness; bluntness; numbness
entrada: entry; entrance; gate; access; adit; admission; way in; mouth; hall; ticket; audience;
house; takings; receipts; deposit; starter; first course; opening; beginning; start; tackle; input;
entramado: frame; timber framework; studwork
entrampar: to trap; to entrap; to ensnare; to trick; to entangle; to burden with debt
entramparse: to run into debt; to stick in the mud
entrante: next; coming; incoming; entrant; entering; inlet; first course; starter; recess
entraña: vital or internal organ; essence; core; entrañas: vitals; entrails; heart; feeling; no tener
entrañas: to be heartless
entrañable: deep; close; dear; fond; intimate; most affectionate
entrañar: to involve; to contain; to bury deep
entrar: to enter; to come in; to go in; to fit in; to start; to begin; to join; to engage; to charge; to
attack; to strike in; to introduce; to invade
entre: between; amongst; among; entre tanto: meanwhile
entreabierto: half-open; ajar
entreabrir: to half-open; to set ajar
entreacto: intermission; interval
entrecano: greying; grayish
entrecejo: space between the eyebrows; fruncir el entrecejo: to frown; to knit one's brow
entrecomillado: in inverted commas