equitación: horse-riding; horseback riding; equitation; riding
equitativo: fair; equitable; reasonable
equivalencia: equivalence
equivalente: equivalent
equivaler: to be equivalent; to be equal; to tantamount
equivocación: mistake; error
equivocado: wrong; mistaken; erroneous
equivocar: to get wrong; to mistake
equivocarse: to make a mistake
era: era; age; threshing floor; past forms of ser
erario- treasury
erección: erection; hard-on; foundation, establishment
eréctil: erectile
erecto: upright; erect
eremita: eremite; hermit; recluse
erguir: to raise; to lift; to erect
erguirse: to straighten up; to stand up straight; to become arrogant
erial: wasteland; untilled; uncultivated
erigir: to erect; to build; to place; to instal; to found; to establish
erigirse: to place oneself
erizar: to make stand on end; to bristle
erizarse;: to stand on end; to bristle
erizo: hedgehog; sea urchin; a prickly plant; bur
ermita: small church in the country; isolated sanctuary or chapel; hermitage
ermitaño: hermit
erógeno: erogenous
erosión: erosion; graze
erosionar: to erode; to tarnish; to detract from
erosionarse: to become eroded; to erode
erosivo: erosive
erótico: erotic
erotismo: eroticism; erotism
errabundo: wandering
erradicación: eradication
erradicar: to eradicate; to eliminate
errado: mistaken; wrong; missed; erroneous
errante: wandering; errant; erring
errar: to get wrong; to miss; to be mistaken; to wander; to roam
errata: misprint; erratum
errático: erratic; variable
erróneo: incorrect; wrong
error: mistake; error; bug
eructar: to belch; to eructate
eructo: belch; belching; eructation
erudición: erudition; learning
erudito: erudite; learned; scholar
erupción: rash; eruption
es: third person of singular of the present tense of ser
esa: that
esas: those
esbeltez: slenderness