English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

esbelto: slender and graceful
esbirro: thug; catchpoll; myrmidon; bailiff
esbozar: to sketch; to outline
esbozo: sketch; outline
escabechar: to pickle; to fail; to kill
escabeche: marinade; pickle
escabechina: massacre; bloodbath; ravage
escabel: footstool; stepping stone
escabroso: rough; uneven; harsh; rude; scabrous; risqué; distasteful
escabullirse: to slip; to disappear; to melt away
escacharrar: to break; to smash
escacharrarse: to break down
escafandra: diving suit; diving helmet; spacesuit; space helmet
escay: imitation leather
escala: ladder; stepladder; scale; port of call; army list
escalada: climb; increase; escalade; increasing; climbing
escalador: climber; scaler
escalafón: hierarchy; wage scale; salary scale; table; roll; list
escalar: to climb; to move up; to escalade; to scale
escaldado: scalded; cautious; wary
escaldar: to scald; to make red-hot; to chafe
escaldarse: to scald oneself
escaleno: scalene
escalera: stairs; staircase; ladder; run; sequence; straight
escalerilla: gangway; steps; short ladder
escalfado: poached
escalfar: to poach
escalinata: staircase; steps; perron; front steps
escalofriante: horrifying; chilling; blood-curdling
escalofrío: shiver; shudder; chill
escalón: step; grade; stair; rung; degree; echelon
escalonado: terraced; staggered; step by step; layered
escalonar: to stagger; to place at intervals; to echelon, to space; to string out
escalope: escalope
escalpelo: lancet; scalpel
escama: scale; flake; distrust; suspicion
escamado: suspicious; distrustful; scalework
escamar: to scale; to remove the scales from; to make suspicious
escamarse: to become suspicious
escamoso: scaly; flaky; dry; squamous
escamotear: to withhold; to make disappear by sleight of hand
escamoteo: withholding; sleight of hand
escampar: to stop raining; to clear up
escanciar: to pour; to serve
escandalera: noise; racket; uproar
escandalizar: to shock; to scandalize; to make a lot of noise
escandalizarse: to be shocked
escándalo: scandal; tumult; noise; disturbance; shouting
escandaloso: noisy; rowdy; scandalous; shameful
Escandinavia: Scandinavia
escandinavo: Scandinavian

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