English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

escáner: scanner; scan
escaño: seat; bench; settle
escapada: escape; flight; short trip, break; breakaway
escapar: to escape; to run away; to flee; not to notice
escaparse: to escape; to leak out; to miss
escaparate: shop window; show window; glass cabinet; cupboard
escaparatista: window dresser
escapatoria: escape; getaway; solution; way out; evasion
escape: leakage; leak; escape; flight; exhaust valve
escapulario: scapular; scapulary
escaque: square
escaquearse: to duck out
escarabajo: beetle; scarab; escarabajo pelotero: tumblebug; dung beetle
escaramujo: dog rose; wild rose; rosehip; hip; barnacle goose
escaramuza: skirmish; dispute; quarrel
escarapela: rosette; cockade; quarrel
escarbadientes: toothpick
escarbar: to scratch; to dig; to poke, to delve into; to pick; to investigate
escarbarse: to pick
escarcela: pouch hanging form the waist; game bag; skirt of plate armour
escarceos: attempts; forays; flings; affairs; ramblings
escarcha: frost; hoarfrost; rime
escarchado: frosty; candied; crystallized
escarchar: to frost; to ice; to crystallize
escarda: weeding; hoeing; hoe
escardar: to weed; to separate out
escarlata: scarlet
scarlatina: scarlatina; scarlet fever
escarmentar: to inflict an exemplary punishment on; to learn one's lesson
escarmiento: lesson; warning; punishment
escarnecer: to jeer at; to mock; to scoff at; to jibe; to flout
escarnio: mockery; derision; scoffing; mock
escarola: curly endive; ruff collar
escarpado: steep; sheer; abrupt; cliffy
escarpia: hook; hooked nail
escasamente: scarcely; hardly; barely
escasear: to be scarce; to spare
escasez: shortage; scarcity; dearth; shortness; stinginess; want; poverty
escaso: limited; scant; scanty; scarce; stingy; short
escatimar: to be mean with; to skimp on; to stint; to curtail; to give sparingly
escatología: scatology; eschatology
escatológico: scatological; eschatological
escayola: plaster; scagliola; stucco
escayolar: to put in plaster
escena: scene; stage; scenery
escenario: stage; boards; set; scene; setting; environment
escénico: scenic
escenografía: scenography; stage design; set design; set
escenógrafo: scenographer; stage designer
escepticismo: scepticism; skepticism
escéptico: sceptic; sceptical; skeptic; skeptical

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