English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

escindir: to divide; to split; to cut
escindirse: to split; to break away
escisión: split; break; division; schism; fission
esclarecedor: illuminating; informative
esclarecer: to clear up; to throw light on; to light up; to brighten; to enlighten; to ennoble; to
esclarecimiento: clarification; enlightening; clearing up; elucidation
esclava: female salve; bangle
esclavina: cape; pelerine; tippet; pilgrim's cloak
esclavitud: slavery
esclavizar: to enslave; to tie down; to restrict
esclavo: slave
esclerosis: sclerosis
esclusa: lock; canal lock; sluice
escoba: broom; brush; besom
escobilla: small broom; wiper blade; fuller's teaser
escocedura: sore spot; chafe; soreness
escocer: to smart; to cause a burning sensation; to sting; to annoy
escocés: Scottish; Scotch; tartan; plaid; Scot; Scotsman
Escocia: Scotland
escoger: to choose; to select; to pick; to sort
escogido: chosen; selected; choice; select
escolanía: children's choir
escolar: school; scholastic; pupil; student
escolaridad: education; schooling
escolarizar: to provide with schools
escolástica: scholasticism
escolasticismo: scholasticism
escolástico: scholastic
escoliosis: scoliosis
escollera: breakwater
escollo: reef; rock; obstacle; pitfall; danger; difficulty; stumbling rock
escolopendra: centipede; scolopendra; hart's tongue
escolta: escort; bodyguard; guard; convoy; convoying ship
escoltar: to escort; to convoy
escombro: rubble; debris; deads
esconder: to hide; to conceal; to harbour; to contain
esconderse: to hide; to be hidden; to lurk; to skulk
escondidas: hide-and-seek; a escondidas: furtively; surreptitiously; without the knowledge of;
in secret
escondido: secluded
escondite: hiding place; cache; hide-and-seek
escondrijo: hiding place; cache
escopeta: shotgun; gun; fowling piece
escopetazo: shit; shotgun wound; shock; bombshell
escoplo: chisel
escora: list; heel; shore; level line; load line
escorar: to shore up; to list; to heel
escorbuto: scurvy; scorbutus
escoria: slag; scoria; dross; dregs; scum
Escorpio, Escorpión: Scorpio

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