English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

escorpión: scorpion
escorzo: foreshortening
escotado: low-cut; low-necked; indented
escotar: to cut the neck of a garment; to cut an indentation in; to club
escote: neckline; neck; low-neck; bosom; tucker; share
escotilla: hatch; hatchway
escotillón: trap door; stage trap; scuttle
escozor: stinging; irritation; burning pain or sensation; hurt feelings; bitterness
escriba: scribe
escribanía: desk set; writing set: inkstand; notary's office; court clerkship
escribano: scribe; notary; count clerk
escribiente: clerk; copyist; amanuensis
escribir: to write
escribirse: to hold correspondence; to spell
escrito: written; text; document; brief; bill; por escrito: in writing
escritor: writer
escritorio: writing desk; bureau; cabinet; office
escritura: writing; alphabet; script; handwriting; deed; instrument
escriturar: to establish by deed or legal instrument; to engage
escroto: scrotum
escrúpulo: scruple; qualm; fussiness; conscientiousness; scrupulousness
escrupulosidad: scrupulousness
escrupuloso: scrupulous; particular; fussy
escrutar: to search; to examine; to scrutinize; to tell the votes
escrutinio: scrutiny; examination; telling or counting of votes
escuadra: set square; square; angle iron; squad; squadron; fleet
escuadrilla: squadron; flight; escadrille
escuadrón: squadron
escuálido: emaciated; skinny; lean; pale; squalid; filthy
escualo: shark; dogfish
escucha: listening; tapping; listening-in; monitoring; ; night scout
escuchar: to listen; to listen to; to mind; to heed
escuchimizado: scrawny; lean; weak
escudar: to shield; to protect
escudarse: to protect oneself; to take refuge in
escudería: motor-racing team
escudero: shield bearer; squire; nobleman; lady's page
escudilla: bowl
escudo: shield; buckler; protection; escutcheon; badge; crest; scute; escudo; escudo de armas:
coat of arms
escudriñar: to scrutinize; to search; to investigate; to pry into
escuela: school
escuelante: pupil; teacher
escueto: concise; succinct; bare; plain; unadorned; strict
escuincle: boy; nipper; kid
esculpir: to sculpture; to carve; to engrave
escultor: sculptor
escultura: sculpture
escultural: sculptural; sculpturesque
escupidera: spittoon; cuspidor; chamber pot
escupir: to spit; to throw off; to discharge; to belch out

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