especificación: specification
especificar: to specify; to itemize
específico: specific; patent medicine
espécimen: specimen
espectacular: spectacular
espectáculo: show; spectacle; pageant; dar un espectáculo: to make a scene
espectador: spectator; onlooker
espectro: ghost; spectre; spectrum; range
especulación: speculation; consideration; reflection; venture
especulador: speculating; speculator
especular: to speculate about; to consider attentively
especulativo: speculative
espejismo: mirage; illusion
espejo: mirror; looking glass; espejo retrovisor: rearview mirror
espeleología: potholing; speleology
espeleólogo: potholer
espeluznante: terrifying; hair-rising; dreadful
espera: wait; waiting; expectation; delay, respite; stay
esperanto: Esperanto
esperanza: hope; hopefulness; esperanza de vida: life expectancy
esperanzador: encouraging
esperar: to hope; to hope for; to expect; to look forward to; to await; to wait; to trust; to stay
esperma: sperm
espermatozoide: sperm; spermatozoon
espermatozoo: sperm: spermatozoon
espermicida: spermicide; spermicidal
esperpéntico: grotesque; dreadful
esperpento: sight; fright; absurdity
espesar: to thicken
espesarse: to thicken
espeso: thick; dense; close; heavy; close-woven; dirty; estar espeso: not to think clearly
espesor: thickness
espesura: thickness; thicket; dense vegetation; dirtiness
espetar: to spit; to skewer; to spring something on someone
espía: spy; warp
espiar: to spy; to warp
espichar: to prick; to die
espicharse: to go flat
espiche: pointed instrument; peg; spigot
espiedo: spit
espiga: ear; spike; shank; tenon; brad; clapper; fuse; herringbone pattern
espigado: tall and slim; spikelike; seeded
espigar: to glean; to tenon; to ear
espigarse: to run to seed; to grow tall and slim
espigón: breakwater; sea wall; jetty; peaky hill; point of sharp tool
espiguilla: herringbone pattern; spikelet; meadow grass
espina: thorn; splinter; fishbone; spine; backbone; scruple; worry; pain; dar mala espina: to
look suspicious; sacarse la espina: to get even
espinaca: spinach
espinal: spinal
espinazo: spine; backbone; keystone