espinilla: shin; blackhead
espinillera: shin pad; greave; jambe
espino: hawthorn; thornbush; barbed wire
espinoso: thorny; prickly; spiny; arduous; delicate
espionaje: spying; espionage
espiración: exhalation; expiration; breathing out; spiration
espira: spiral; spire; turn
espiral: spiral; hair-spring
espirar: to expire; to exhale; to infuse a divine spirit in
espiritismo: spiritualism; spiritism
espíritu: spirit; soul; ghost
espiritual: spiritual; ghostly
espiritualidad: spirituality
espiritualismo: spiritualism; idealism
espita: tap; faucet; cock
esplendidez: magnificence; splendour; generosity; lavishness
espléndido: splendid; magnificent; generous; grand; resplendent
esplendor: magnificence; splendour; fulgency; radiance
esplendoroso: brilliant; magnificent; splendid; resplendent; radiant
espliego: lavender
espolear: to spur; to incite; to stimulate
espoleta: fuse; wishbone
espolio: plundering; pillage; spolium
espolón: spur; beak; ram; cutwater; buttress; breakwater; jetty
espolvorear: to sprinkle with a powdered substance
esponja: sponge
esponjar: to make spongious or fluffy
esponjarse: to become proud
esponjoso: soft; fluffy; spongy; porous
esponsales: betrothal; spousals
espontaneidad; spontaneity; spontaneousness
espontáneo: spontaneous; unaffected; member of the crowd who joins in a bullfight
espora: spore
esporádico: sporadic
esposa: wife; spouse; esposas: handcuffs; manacles
esposado: handcuffed
esposar: to handcuff
esposo: husband; spouse
esprintar: to sprint
espuela: spur; espuela de caballero: larkspur
espuerta: basket; ganar dinero a espuertas: to earn a lot of money
espulgar: to delouse; to get rid of fleas; to examine closely
espuma: lather; scum; foam; froth; spume
espumadera: skimmer
espumajear: to foam at the mouth
espumante: foamy; frothy; lathery; sparkling wine
espumar: to skim; to scum; to foam; to froth; to sparkle
espumarajo: froth from the mouth; echar espumarajos: to be furious
espumoso: bubbly; foamy; frothy; lathery; sparkling wine
espúreo, espurio: illegitimate; spurious
esputo: sputum; spittle