esqueje: cutting; slip
esquela: death announcement; note; brief letter
esquelético: skeletal; skinny; thin; wasted
esqueleto: skeleton; framework
esquema: diagram; plan; outline; summary; schema; scheme
esquemático: diagrammatic; simplified; schematic
esquematizar: to outline; to summarize; to sketch
esquí: skiing; ski
esquiador: skier
esquiar: to ski
esquife: skiff; small boat
esquila: shearing; bell; marine prawn; squill
esquilador: shearer; clipper; trimmer
esquilar: to shear; to clip; to crop
esquileo: shearing; clipping; shearing pen
esquilmar: to exhaust; to squeeze dry; to impoverish; to harvest; to fleece
esquimal: Eskimo
esquina: corner; outside angle
esquinado: across the corner; cornered; angular; difficult; tetchy
esquinazo: corner; dar esquinazo: to avoid someone; to give the slip to
esquinera: corner cupboard
esquirla: splinter
esquirol: strikebreaker; blackleg; scab
esquisto: shale; schist; slate
esquivar: to dodge; to avoid; to elude; to evade; to shun
esquivo: unsociable; disdainful; cold; shy; elusive
esquizofrenia: schizophrenia
esquizofrénico: schizophrenic
esquizoide: schizoid
esta: this; this one
estabilidad: stability
estabilización: stabilization
estabilizador: stabilizing; stabilizer
estabilizar: to stabilize
estabilizarse: to become stabilized
estable: stable; steady; firm; permanent
establecer: to establish; to set up; to put in place; to state; to lay down; to set; to decree; to order
establecerse: to settle; to set up
establecimiento: establishment; shop; store; settlement; statute; ordinance; establishing; setting-
establo: stable; cattle barn
estaca: stake; post; pale; picket; peg; clamp nail; cutting; stick; cudgel
estacada: stockade; palisade; paling; lists; battlefield; dejar en la estacada: to leave in the lurch
estacazo: blow with a stick
estación: season; time; state; position; station; resort; halt; stop
estacional: seasonal; stationary
estacionamiento: parking; car park; parking lot; stabilizing; stationing
estacionar: to park; to station
estacionarse: to park; to stabilize; to become to a halt
estacionario: stationary; unchanged
estadía: stay; stop; demurrage