estadio: stadium; stage; furlong
estadista: statesman; statistician
estadística: statistics
estadístico: statistical; statistician
estado: condition; state; status; rank; order; class; government; estado civil: marital status;
estado de ánimo: state of mind
Estados Unidos: United States
estadounidense: North American; United States citizen
estafa: cheat; swindle; con
estafador: swindler; cheat
estafar: to swindle; to defraud; to cheat
estafermo: quintain
estafeta: courier; post; post-office branch; diplomatic mail
estafilococo: staphylococcus
estalactita: stalactite
estalagmita: stalagmite
estallar: to explode; to burst; to go off; to break out
estallido: explosion; bang; blowout; crack; outbreak; snap
estambre: stamen; worsted; woolen yarn; varp
Estambul: Istanbul
estamento: class; profession
estameña: serge
estampa: illustration; religious print; stamped picture; print; engraving; appearance; scene;
estampación: print; printing; stamp; stamping
estampado: printed; print; impression
estampar: to print; to imprint; to hurl; to plant; to land; to stamp; to impress; to imprint; to mark
estamparse: to be imprinted; to be engraved; to crash
estampida: stampede; rush; bang
estampido: bang; explosion; report; crack; crash
estampilla: rubber stamp; stamp
estampillar: to rubber-stamp; to put a stamp on
estampita: small religious print
estancado: stagnant; paralyzed; stuck
estancamiento: stagnation; standstill; deadlock
estancar: to stop the flow of; to hold up; to monopolize the sale of certain goods
estancarse: to stagnate; to get bogged down
estancia: stay; sojourn; room; living room; day in hospital; ranch
estanciero: rancher; farmer
estanco: tobacconist's; stanch; watertight
estándar: standard
estandarizar: to standardize
estandarte: standard; banner
estanque: pond; reservoir; basin
estanquero: tobacconist; pond-keeper
estante: shelf; shelving; bookcase; being; fixed; permanent
estantería: bookcase; shelves; shelving
estaño: tin
estar: to be; to keep; to stay; to remain; to lie
estarcir: to stencil
estárter: choke