estilar: to draw in due style; to use
estilarse: to be in fashion
estilete: stiletto; stylet
estilista: stylist; designer
estilita: stylite
estilizar: to stylize
estilo: style; stylus; gnomon; manner; use; custom; fashion; stroke; estilo indirecto: reported
estilográfica: fountain pen
estiloso: stylish
estima: esteem; dead reckoning
estimable: praiseworthy; considerable
estimación: evaluation; esteem; estimation; regard
estimado: esteemed; dear; estimated
estimar: to hold in high regard; to estimate; to think; to value
estimarse: to be estimated
estimativo: approximate; rough
estimulante: stimulating; stimulant; invigorating
estimular: to stimulate; to incite; to encourage
estímulo: stimulus; inducement; incentive; encouragement
estío: summer
estipendio: payment; fee; wage; salary
estipulación: stipulation; condition
estipular: to stipulate
estirado: stretched; expanded; snooty; stuck-up; stiff; prim
estirar: to stretch; to extend; to lengthen; to expand; to spin out; tu pull
estirarse: to stretch out; to shoot up
estirón: pull; tug; dar un estirón: to grow tall in a short time
estirpe: stock; lineage; family
estival: summer; estival
esto: this; this point; this matter
estocada: thrust; stab wound; stab; lunge
Estocolmo: Stockholm
estofa: class; quality
estofado: stew; ragout; stewed; quilted; ornamented
estofar: to stew; to ragout
estoicismo: stoicism
estoico: stoic; stoical
estola: stole
estólido: stupid; imbecile
estomacal: stomach; stomachic
estómago: stomach
estomatología: stomatology
Estonia: Estonia
estonio: Estonian
estopa: burlap; oakum; tow
estoque: rapier; narrow sword; sword lily; gladiolus
estor: roller blind; window shade
estorbar: to hinder; to obstruct; to hamper; to impede; to prevent from; to be in the way; to
annoy; to inconvenience
estorbo: hindrance; obstacle; obstruction, nuisance